24. When in doubt, get out and take a:
A. Nap.
B. Dump.
C. Jigger of bourbon.
D. Mulligan.
A. Nap.
B. Dump.
C. Jigger of bourbon.
D. Mulligan.
OH NAY NAY...I take my lunch at MY convenience.17. Remember! You must clock out for lunch while the vehicle is burning.
Let me guess, you've never driven a P800 ?Why do you think it's funny?
I believe there is humour to be found in the irony...of a company that claims to put safety first while at the same time making a business decision to dispatch its employees in dangerous, obsolete equipment that was intentionally designed to injure them and force them into early retirement.
Too bad for the packages, but the P-800 burning up? GOOD. One less life-endangering piece of crap to deal with on the highway.
keep in mind, those hot dogs will $2.50 each... in order to raise money for United Way
Whats the deal with the P800's being pieces of crap?? The trucks we have here in the UK are all the same size and are actually based on the P800 albeit Mercedes underneath.
Let's address the situation instead of making accusations: First we have a driver that is probably out of sorts (I know I would be). Second, we have a lot of customers that are not happy. Third, We have a vehicle out of service. We don't know what caused the fire! Now that's the story...but no, you make accusations that UPS intentionally designed P-800's to injure employees and force them into early retirement. You want to see a real rag to 1972 I was driving a 1946 p-400. I was overjoyed the next year to get a p-600. Then eventually a p-800 which was really top of the line at that time. When new vehicles come out they are usually better than the ones they replace. But, to make a rash statement that the company wants to injure employees: Where's the facts! By the way I'm retired and wasn't forced into it.
Subliminal turkey fryer warning
Good.We had a p800 burn to the ground on an off ramp today,driver ok, but pkgs not lol