It all depends on what region you are from. If you are in the WEST, or you currently have a Blue Shield PPO or Blue Cross PPO plan provided by the company, then you will LOSE THAT COVERAGE.
The Union is attempting to TRANSITION you into a lesser coverage that will cost you nothing out of your check each week, but is LOADED with money out of your pocket should you get sick or become ill enough to end up at the hospital.
This union plan is loaded with copays, deductibles and particpation percentages that come out of YOUR POCKET.
These "backloaded" charges could cost you a fortune if you have a sick wife, sick kids or have a family member with diabetes.
The insurance is NOT as good for these reasons.
What will happen? Thats the easy part. YOU GET SCREWED.
If you have a Blue Cross, Blue Shield plan, you currently pay 5 bucks for prescriptions with no limitations. With this teamcare, you will pay "initially" 10% or 50 bucks each time you visit the pharmacy. The price is determined by the cost of the drugs. If you have 500 worth of drugs, then you will pay 50 bucks. You also have to pay the first 200.00 towards your deductibles before the prescription coverage begins.
Thats alot more than 5 bucks. This comes out of your pocket.
If you have an "injectable maintenance drug ( insulin ) then your deductible rises to 1000.00 . This is WORSE than you have today.
If you are on a Blue Cross or Blue Shield plan, you pay $100.00 if you end up in the hospital, but under TEAMCARE, you are responsible for 20% of the total bill.
So, if you are in the hospital for three days and the bill comes to $25000.00, then you have to PAY $5000.00 OUT OF POCKET. HOW IS THIS CHEAPER FOR YOU AGAIN?
With the companys last non economic offer, they presented us with a 20/40/60 program to maintain our current benefits. If you have a family, you would pay $60 a week or $2880.00 total for the year.
"IF" we have to pay anything, why would we place ourselves into a situation where we could end up paying thousands of dollars each year for weak coverage vs. paying $2880.00 to maintain our superior coverage that we have today?
You asked for information, and there it is. Plain and simple.
The UNIONS new montra..... "DONT GET SICK"