What part time job in this industry has a better compensation than UPS? While you were bitchin about a better starting wage, I was expressing that PTers should fight for a higher top out. Looks like you win AND YET YOU STILL COMPLAIN? TDU tactic #236.
I'm pretty sure 407, BUG, myself and a bunch of others promote standing up for our union and uniting. Not jump to another "organization" that is still bitter about their 97 campaign fraud. TDU tactic #87.
I'm glad to know that TDU doesn't think we deserve 100k a year!! What would we do without them? Oh I forgot Paff is about communism. Spreading the wealth......into his pocket also. TDU tactic #1.
Paff makes well over 100k a year. Even Sandy Pope. That's right!! Even HE/SHE makes over 100k. Btw, are all the UPS drivers names now gonna be on TDU's 100k club list?
It's funny, 407 and I never got on anyone's case for voicing a no vote. Yet you tell him if he is going to vote YES, then shut the !@#$? TDU tactic #451?
Btw, what does my having pretty lips

have to do with everyone voting YES? If your hinting a joke on fillacio, I'll say this, I was only asked once in my life to give a BJ to a man, that man just so happened to be Sandy Pope. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
Hyena, focus on being a better steward. Wipe the yellow off your back and start standing up for your employees. I bet you would turn your back on yes voters in a heart beat.