Can someone explain to me what exactly will happen to our healthcare..


Well-Known Member
You need to READ the EXCLUSIONS page of the central states explanation of benefits for the C6 plan, then READ the prescription drug coverage and the EXCLUSION for "INJECTED MAINTENANCE MEDICINE" and see that the members will have to PONY up another $1000.00 out of pocket for these kinds of drugs.

Just because you seem to be unable to read doesnt make you correct.

Also, what do you think an 80/20 plan covers? What do you think 20% of 25K is?

Did you also fail math?



Yes I can read. I also excel at math.

Out of Pocket maximum is $1000/person $2000/family.

$1000/$2000 < $5000. How's your math?


Well-Known Member
You need to READ the EXCLUSIONS page of the central states explanation of benefits for the C6 plan, then READ the prescription drug coverage and the EXCLUSION for "INJECTED MAINTENANCE MEDICINE" and see that the members will have to PONY up another $1000.00 out of pocket for these kinds of drugs.

Just because you seem to be unable to read doesnt make you correct.

Also, what do you think an 80/20 plan covers? What do you think 20% of 25K is?

Did you also fail math?



I'm an excellent reader. I also UNDERSTAND what I'm reading. A skill you obviously have not mastered.

I'm also an above average mathematician. I UNDERSTAND that 20% of 25K is 5K.

Here are some things I READ and UNDERSTOOD along with some BASIC MATH.

What is the overall deductible? $200/person $400/family. Does not apply to office visits and prescription benefits.

Is there an out-of-pocket limit on my expenses? YES. $1000/person $2000/family. The out-of-pocket limit is the most you could pay during the calendar year for your share of covered services.

Now for the math: $1000/$2000 is < $5000. Do you see why?

Also there is no EXCLUSION for INJECTED MAINTENANCE MEDICINE. You DO NOT have to pony up another $1000 out of pocket. It's not a DEDUCTIBLE. It's an OUT OF POCKET MAXIMUM. Your co-pay is 25% retail, 20% mail order up to $200 per prescription. If you reach $1000 out of pocket the plan will pay all injectable meds at 100%.

The new plan has a better benefit 10% up to $50 per prescription instead of 20% $200 max. Mail order is covered at 100%.

The PDF attached says it in black and white: IN NETWORK (CVS-CAREMARK) NOT SUBJECT TO DEDUCTIBLES.

What part of this don't you understand.

PDF of proposed benefits to new participants.

Are you being intentionally obtuse or are you just plain ignorant?


  • CentralStatesBenefitsChart.pdf
    246.4 KB · Views: 176


Well-Known Member
No Matter what the Math is, it is WAY MORE than I Pay Now!

Items below are not confirmed by me, just what I keep seeing people post and hearing different answers.
Also does the Math matter? Didn't they say the exact language wont be ready until after a contract vote?
Doesn't it also have a line in the TA, about it can be changed at any time?


Well-Known Member
I would wager to say that this contract represent the LARGEST concession we have ever made. The health care alone is over a 500% increase for part-timers, which could easily cost them months worth of paychecks. Its almost like the union is asking part-timers to work pro bono.


Well-Known Member
What part time job in this industry has a better compensation than UPS? While you were bitchin about a better starting wage, I was expressing that PTers should fight for a higher top out. Looks like you win AND YET YOU STILL COMPLAIN? TDU tactic #236.

I'm pretty sure 407, BUG, myself and a bunch of others promote standing up for our union and uniting. Not jump to another "organization" that is still bitter about their 97 campaign fraud. TDU tactic #87.

I'm glad to know that TDU doesn't think we deserve 100k a year!! What would we do without them? Oh I forgot Paff is about communism. Spreading the wealth......into his pocket also. TDU tactic #1.

Paff makes well over 100k a year. Even Sandy Pope. That's right!! Even HE/SHE makes over 100k. Btw, are all the UPS drivers names now gonna be on TDU's 100k club list?

It's funny, 407 and I never got on anyone's case for voicing a no vote. Yet you tell him if he is going to vote YES, then shut the !@#$? TDU tactic #451?
Btw, what does my having pretty lips :eek: have to do with everyone voting YES? If your hinting a joke on fillacio, I'll say this, I was only asked once in my life to give a BJ to a man, that man just so happened to be Sandy Pope. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Hyena, focus on being a better steward. Wipe the yellow off your back and start standing up for your employees. I bet you would turn your back on yes voters in a heart beat.
Turn my back on an employee for having a different opinion then me nope, not my character. Maybe you and 407 steward should start focusing on this ta instead of TDU.


Well-Known Member
I would wager to say that this contract represent the LARGEST concession we have ever made. The health care alone is over a 500% increase for part-timers, which could easily cost them months worth of paychecks. Its almost like the union is asking part-timers to work pro bono.

i'm just lucky i'll hit my year with enough time to get everything taken care of under the company plan. New glasses, dental checkup (and any associated work i might need), make sure everything looks good at the docs.


Well-Known Member
Turn my back on an employee for having a different opinion then me nope, not my character. Maybe you and 407 steward should start focusing on this ta instead of TDU.
I'm pretty sure we have plenty of time for both. And once the TA is ratified then we can devote all our time on those Union Destroyers.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure we have plenty of time for both. And once the TA is ratified then we can devote all our time on those Union Destroyers.
Yes its agreed then... We'll talk about hoffa and hall after this is settled! Thanx for understanding stink. I knew youd come around.


Well-Known Member
Oh I get it. You tried to do the old TDU switcharoo.
ahh the good old switcharoo... We wont pay 90$ We wont pay 9$ We wont pay 9 cents. Instead you'll pay 400$ a year in deductibles. ahh...the old hoffa hall switcheroo It wasnt TDU that did that those were the words of your man Hall. In fact it was TDU who was straight with all the members and told them the truth.


Well-Known Member
The truth about what? Hall never said $400 deductible. Your a maroon and a lier. TDU just posts stuff that is based on a smear campaign that was prominent in the 60s. They take a basic idea a turn and twist.


Well-Known Member
The truth about what? Hall never said $400 deductible. The central states c6 plan does maroon Your a maroon and a lier. What have I lied about? TDU just posts stuff that is based on a smear campaign that was prominent in the 60s. They take a basic idea a turn and twist. Truth hurts sometimes our leaders are selling us out. Let me put it in simple terms.. hall is a sheperd and you are a sheep. Just vote yes if thats what you want but quit trying to sell you bs ta to everyone else. Stop blaming TDU its hoffa and hall that negotiated this not TDU!

ahh the good old switcharoo... We wont pay 90$ We wont pay 9$ We wont pay 9 cents. Instead you'll pay 400$ a year in deductibles. ahh...the old hoffa hall switcheroo It wasnt TDU that did that those were the words of your man Hall. In fact it was TDU who was straight with all the members and told them the truth.
In a couple of years we will all have the same benifits. Man I feel bad about this. I think ill pour a little beer out on the sidewalk for you and the rest of you all. You guys are getting the same benifits as me. You guys are screwed. Lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, no sheet! The same people complaining for everyone to vote no. UPS didn't want them anymore, so the union steps up and finds them a plan similar to the rest of the country which is still a Cadillac plan. Then they blame the union for screwing them over by making everyone on equal plans? Oh plus a pension bump.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, no sheet! The same people complaining for everyone to vote no. UPS didn't want them anymore, so the union steps up and finds them a plan similar to the rest of the country which is still a Cadillac plan. Then they blame the union for screwing them over by making everyone on equal plans? Oh plus a pension bump.
That's why I haven't posted much about the ta, you can't convince these folks that they have a better package than most of the people out there in labor jobs. I'm ready for a new thread about good beer, good BBQ, and good fishing. You and 407 have posted great posts, but some people will just never be happy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, no sheet! The same people complaining for everyone to vote no. UPS didn't want them anymore, so the union steps up and finds them a plan similar to the rest of the country which is still a Cadillac plan. Then they blame the union for screwing them over by making everyone on equal plans? Oh plus a pension bump.
That's why I haven't posted much about the ta, you can't convince these folks that they have a better package than most of the people out there in labor jobs. I'm ready for a new thread about good beer, good BBQ, and good fishing. You and 407 have posted great posts, but some people will just never be happy.
Thanks man. Much appreciated. I'm not much of a fisherman but if you start a thread about beer and food, I'm all over it!!!


Basically, we cannot afford to let our healthcare be reduced in such a serious and grave manner. It is really one of the only good things that part timers have going for them and is one of the all around best parts of working for UPS for full timers as well. There are also several insane clauses in the TA that need to be looked at with intensity. If the health plan needs money to help pay for the costs, the union will be able to reduce the yearly raises to help pay into the health fund. WTF... Also another part specifies that they can use money intended for our pension contributions to pay for the healthcare fund, instead of putting it into the pension, if needed. Also i have a question. Do you trust the union to run our healthcare??? I know i don't and i don't think any of us should be blindly putting our faith into what they have been telling us. Just go and read these sneaky statements they slipped into the healthcare article. So vote yes if you want to see these so called pluses to our pension and significant raises that are being so glorified. Then watch as they they are cut in half to pay for the healthcare as our premiums rise and we spend hundreds of dollars more per year then we would have before on medical costs. I think we should all be getting equal healthcare but it should be going in the opposite direction by getting the central states back onto the good healthcare plans instead of subsidizing everyone to match what they are forced to accept. If we just stand up with a firm backbone, we have a good chance to get a much stronger agreement.
So in summary this will change if this becomes our contract:
1) You will pay more then you did before for healthcare if you were on a company plan upwards of several hundred dollars a year. (for a part timer that HURTS A LOT!)
2) If the union runs out of funding for the healthcare fund it will affect contributions to your pension AND will lower your yearly General Wage Increase (GWI)
3) You will set the precedent of standing down and accepting bad contracts without even attempting to call the company's bluff


Well-Known Member

I think you should "READ" it again. Look at the PDF file and right below Annual deductible is the line for OOP - Out of Pocket Maximum 1K per person or 2K per family. So in your scenario of a hospital visit, you would hit the OOP max of 1K for that person and be done with all other major medical bills.

Amazing... Once again you are wrong again.

At least you are consistent.

Yes I can read. I also excel at math.

Out of Pocket maximum is $1000/person $2000/family.

$1000/$2000 < $5000. How's your math?

I'm an excellent reader. I also UNDERSTAND what I'm reading. A skill you obviously have not mastered.

I'm also an above average mathematician. I UNDERSTAND that 20% of 25K is 5K.

Here are some things I READ and UNDERSTOOD along with some BASIC MATH.

What is the overall deductible? $200/person $400/family. Does not apply to office visits and prescription benefits.

Is there an out-of-pocket limit on my expenses? YES. $1000/person $2000/family. The out-of-pocket limit is the most you could pay during the calendar year for your share of covered services.

Now for the math: $1000/$2000 is < $5000. Do you see why?

Also there is no EXCLUSION for INJECTED MAINTENANCE MEDICINE. You DO NOT have to pony up another $1000 out of pocket. It's not a DEDUCTIBLE. It's an OUT OF POCKET MAXIMUM. Your co-pay is 25% retail, 20% mail order up to $200 per prescription. If you reach $1000 out of pocket the plan will pay all injectable meds at 100%.

The new plan has a better benefit 10% up to $50 per prescription instead of 20% $200 max. Mail order is covered at 100%.

The PDF attached says it in black and white: IN NETWORK (CVS-CAREMARK) NOT SUBJECT TO DEDUCTIBLES.

What part of this don't you understand.

Are you being intentionally obtuse or are you just plain ignorant?

Hmmm...... where is The Other Side now? I'm guessing he'll resort to name calling, or maybe resort to throwing up some other unrelated point while ignoring how he was wrong. Maybe.. he'll blame it on the republicans, or Bush in particular. An oldie but a goodie according to "TOS".