Basically, we cannot afford to let our healthcare be reduced in such a serious and grave manner. It is really one of the only good things that part timers have going for them and is one of the all around best parts of working for UPS for full timers as well. There are also several insane clauses in the TA that need to be looked at with intensity. If the health plan needs money to help pay for the costs, the union will be able to reduce the yearly raises to help pay into the health fund. WTF... Also another part specifies that they can use money intended for our pension contributions to pay for the healthcare fund, instead of putting it into the pension, if needed. Also i have a question. Do you trust the union to run our healthcare??? I know i don't and i don't think any of us should be blindly putting our faith into what they have been telling us. Just go and read these sneaky statements they slipped into the healthcare article. So vote yes if you want to see these so called pluses to our pension and significant raises that are being so glorified. Then watch as they they are cut in half to pay for the healthcare as our premiums rise and we spend hundreds of dollars more per year then we would have before on medical costs. I think we should all be getting equal healthcare but it should be going in the opposite direction by getting the central states back onto the good healthcare plans instead of subsidizing everyone to match what they are forced to accept. If we just stand up with a firm backbone, we have a good chance to get a much stronger agreement.
So in summary this will change if this becomes our contract:
1) You will pay more then you did before for healthcare if you were on a company plan upwards of several hundred dollars a year. (for a part timer that HURTS A LOT!)
2) If the union runs out of funding for the healthcare fund it will affect contributions to your pension AND will lower your yearly General Wage Increase (GWI)
3) You will set the precedent of standing down and accepting bad contracts without even attempting to call the company's bluff