Car and Bike Talk


Fugitive From Reality
Harleys new motor finally using 4 valves/cyl. Only 30 years behind the Japanese bikes.
I've heard these new motors are having oiling issues already.


Amatuer Malthusian
V-rod is about the only one I might consider. I've ridden some Sportster-based Buells. Good torque, too much vibration. Rode to Monterey with a guy on an X-1 Lightening.It was puking and burning oil the whole way. Went through like 4 quarts of synthetic on the way. I tried to stay ahead of him on the trip. On another ride, the head pipe on the front cylinder snapped. A good concept let down by a crappy outdated engine. Too bad HD pulled the plug on Buell and now EBR has gone down as well. They were getting really close to something American I was interested in. Now Victory is gone too, though Indian remains.


nowhere special
Some Einstein had a 1977 Vette that looked like this


.. and turned it into this



Staff member
If you REALLY want a Range Rover, buy it from CarMax, and get the bumper to bumper warranty.
If, after watching this video, would you still buy a Range Rover?

Doug used to write for Jalopnik. That Rover has been a constant source of amusement since he bought it.

Oh, yeah. CarMax no longer warranty offers like he got on Range Rovers. He broke the system.


Retired 23 years
wonderful. that is why we do almost everything ourselves. my daughter in law took her car to Jiffy Lube for an oil change and it came out to $700 by the time they got thru with her.

obviously, she did not ask us first before taking car there.

Unfortunately they love to prey on women. My wife came home crying one time because Jiffy Lube had made it sound like her car wasn't safe to drive. Thank goodness she had the common sense to let me get a second opinion.


Amatuer Malthusian
Hope everybody understands UPS mechanics don't give a flying :censored3: about what is real or not. No motivation there. Just want it down the road safely and without harassment.
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Amatuer Malthusian
V-rod is about the only one I might consider. I've ridden some Sportster-based Buells. Good torque, too much vibration. Rode to Monterey with a guy on an X-1 Lightening.It was puking and burning oil the whole way. Went through like 4 quarts of synthetic on the way. I tried to stay ahead of him on the trip. On another ride, the head pipe on the front cylinder snapped. A good concept let down by a crappy outdated engine. Too bad HD pulled the plug on Buell and now EBR has gone down as well. They were getting really close to something American I was interested in. Now Victory is gone too, though Indian remains.
I would have toyed with the fire-sale priced Buell Rotax powered 1150s that were on the market after HD pulled the plug.