Car and Bike Talk


Retired 23 years
Rules.....your 2-car garage must have 2 cars in it before you are allowed to park overnite in your own driveway!! Bastards!
To each his own but I prefer a place where you can park anywhere on your own damn property you want to---and if you have enough acres you don't have to even see your neighbors.


Amatuer Malthusian
I also drive into the back yard and occasionally cut stubborn firewood with my obnoxiously loud old Homelite. Payback to my neighbor for their screaming banshee kids.


golden ticket member
To each his own but I prefer a place where you can park anywhere on your own damn property you want to---and if you have enough acres you don't have to even see your neighbors.
acres?????!!!!! what's that? We have postage stamp size yards. We had acreage in Copley Ohio.


golden ticket member
Doesn't sound like it if you're willing to accept that kind of regulation of your personal property to avoid living near a purple house with Christmas lights.
I'm the house with Christmas lights...on the day after Thanksgiving and off by Jan 15th, as per the rules. I make coffee for one neighbor and it's only because she was persistant.


Retired 23 years
They snoop and your neighbors tell on you...….that would be Jewdith!!! Hate her!!
I've never lived in a HOA situation. I assume I wouldn't be any good at it. I can see wanting nice neighborhoods and all but they seem to take it too far. Where I live the few people here have nice homes and keep their yards up (and hide their treasure piles in the back yard or in the woods - out of site) but just a mile from me there is an old small community where I swear everyone tries to outdo their neighbor with all the junk and old cars they can collect. They are all (for the most part) really nice friendly people but apparently the weren't raised with the clean gene.


golden ticket member
I've never lived in a HOA situation. I assume I wouldn't be any good at it. I can see wanting nice neighborhoods and all but they seem to take it too far. Where I live the few people here have nice homes and keep their yards up (and hide their treasure piles in the back yard or in the woods - out of site) but just a mile from me there is an old small community where I swear everyone tries to outdo their neighbor with all the junk and old cars they can collect. They are all (for the most part) really nice friendly people but apparently the weren't raised with the clean gene.
If I ever bought a cover for my driveway parked car, it would be the one with the picture of a car on blocks!!