Car and Bike Talk


Amatuer Malthusian
How about this? EBAY right now. XL 250


Amatuer Malthusian
Wish I could demonstrate our in-house parts system to you. Now they are trying to tell me the radiators I have on order with shipping dates and ID numbers issued IN the system haven't been ordered. No pictures, multiple extraneous incorrect listings despite car info entered, incomplete descriptions, etc.


Retired 23 years
I see they are broadcasting the NHRA race at the track near me on ESPN2 now until midnight. I used to go to them all the time but haven't been for about 8 years now. I bet the campers are sleeping with one eye open tonight----tornado warnings for the area.


Well-Known Member
Got a question for you car geeks. 2004 Impala the dang PassKey system keep thinking we are stealing the car. Does anyone know a good workaround for this. The 10 minute key on thing is working less and less.

Saw this on the internet, didn't know if anyone has knows about this and the ease of installation. or if there is another workaround.
