Car and Bike Talk

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
I am a purist when it comes to classic cars.
Disc brakes, dual master cylinder, 12v conversion, not a deal breaker for me.
Saw a 55? (I think) T-bird, really was liking it.
Red in color, SWEET!
But heard original color scheme was Turqouise and White, lost interest REAL quick!
For me, Original, or as close as you can get, are the ones I really like!


Retired 23 years
I can only watch Barrett-Jackson for so long before I start to cry seeing all the cars I sold for dirt cheap going for tens of thousands of dollars.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
NASCAR needs more help than Bill Nye to make it exciting.
Here is a clip from Top Gear, Jeremy shows what is involved with making batteries for Hybrid and electric cars.
Jump ahead to 3:20 to hear him explain it, or if you are a Top Gear fan, the entire segment is 6:30 in length.
The last part of the segment, Jeremy shows how a BMW M3 burns less fuel than a Toyota Prius.



Retired 23 years
Here is a clip from Top Gear, Jeremy shows what is involved with making batteries for Hybrid and electric cars.
Jump ahead to 3:20 to hear him explain it, or if you are a Top Gear fan, the entire segment is 6:30 in length.
The last part of the segment, Jeremy shows how a BMW M3 burns less fuel than a Toyota Prius.

That is really interesting. He forgot to add that if you own a Hybrid you must stick your nose in the air and look down on others.


Retired 23 years
I'm on my third bike. I wouldn't even have had the first one if I listened.

I've had mo-peds/mini-bikes/motorcycles of some sort ever since I was about twelve. Right now I have a 2011 Ultra Classic Electra Glide. Its a big pig of a cruiser that I bought new. I've been thinking of getting something different but haven't decided yet. I'm not quite ready for a trike. My wife loves riding --in fact I have a hard time sneaking out for a solo ride.


Retired 23 years
Is anyone watching Barrett- Jackson? I can't believe the money some of that stuff is going for. I went back in about 2010. Everyone should go once in their life---its a real circus.