Car and Bike Talk


Staff member
The smell of turbine aircraft exhaust and NHRA nitro methane exhaust makes me horny.

Here. Go in the corner, apply liberally and take care of that condition.


Amatuer Malthusian
They are actually building right now probably less than 500 yards from the starting line at Pacific Raceways. Must be aimed at deaf people to buy.


Retired 23 years
They are actually building right now probably less than 500 yards from the starting line at Pacific Raceways. Must be aimed at deaf people to buy.
When crybabies start complaining about our local dirt track at a town hall meeting I like to pull out a 3 X 4 foot ariel map the township has that was taken in 1969 by the USDA that shows only 3 farms and a few houses within a mile of the racetrack. The town board will listen to complaints about the track but NEVER sides with the complainers.


Amatuer Malthusian
Had the opportunity to examine a new Hyundai in the showroom the other day. Damn, those things reek inside. Not at all the new car smell I remember.


Retired 23 years
Picked up one of my Harleys at the Harley shop this morning. It had all of a sudden decided to idle at 2300 RPM and nothing I tried would cure it. $105.00 later I'm back on the road. I miss the old days when you could have grabbed a screwdriver and backed off the idle adjustment screw a half a turn. AS luck would have it the warrantee ran out July 28th.