

In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
The same way that SARS-CoV-2 did I would imagine.

SARS-COV-1 was a mosquito bite compared to the latest China version, they just upped and juiced it and released it upon the world.

Something was not right from the beginning with this pandemic and it all had to with China 🇨🇳.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
If China is the enemy, why is it everything I buy says "Made in China"? Does that make Walmart the enemy also?
First they took away the jobs.
Then they stole the intellectual property.
Then they bought U.S. debt.
Then they began amassing an offensive military.
Then they claimed territory not theirs.

Do you not see where this is headed?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
First they took away the jobs.
Then they stole the intellectual property.
Then they bought U.S. debt.
Then they began amassing an offensive military.
Then they claimed territory not theirs.

Do you not see where this is headed?
So why do American companies keep buying their junk and sending them Billions of Dollars every month?

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
If China is the enemy, why is it everything I buy says "Made in China"? Does that make Walmart the enemy also?
Yes. Everyone knows that. Ask all the owners of businesses they’ve put out of business. Or ask the businesses who are “strong-armed” to lower their prices to deal with Walmart. Or the people who work for Walmart that are getting food stamps/SNAP.


Well-Known Member
Theyve been playing the long game on us since the 80's. As has Russia. Look how theyre dividing the country with racism, "extremism", wokeism, etc... 10-20 more years of this, and we'll be the communist states of chimerica
We've known for decades college students were getting indoctrinated. Now those students are in government, military, education, corporate positions. Someone has definitely been playing the long game.


Well-Known Member
Higher education is a commie plot?

This is straight out of Dr Strangelove. PBF
What better way to completely change the system, the culture, than to get the right people in place? That's not going to happen with couriers and burger flippers. It's a coincidence that suddenly there's "woke" professionals all over the country pushing Critical Race Theory? Why is it that school boards all over the country are suddenly requiring CRT to even elementary school kids? And it says something about these people that they think that parents wouldn't notice or that they have enough power that parents can't stop it.