

Inordinately Right


I'm a star
Come on guys, enough with those silly memes :teethy:.

We need some real serious discussion on this thread.



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It’s interesting to walk around maskless at my grocery store now and see the silent struggle in vaccinated peoples’ eyes between common sense and fear of being mistaken for a Trumpee if the mask comes off.
Seen someone I know out and about. I’m maskless and he is, too.
“ I see you’ve been inoculated “ I say
“ Nope” he says
“ No mask and no shot? Wow, man.” I say
“ I have CFS” he replies
“What’s that “ I ask
“Common friend*in Sense “


Inordinately Right
Come on guys, enough with those silly memes :teethy:.

We need some real serious discussion on this thread.

I'll post this article about PCR tests again.

The New York Times didn't have any problem pointing out that they shouldn't be used like this back then.

Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t


I'm a star
I'll post this article about PCR tests again.

The New York Times didn't have any problem pointing out that they shouldn't be used like this back then.

Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t

They reiterated it last August, and even updated it in April:

"In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found."

"One solution would be to adjust the cycle threshold used now to decide that a patient is infected. Most tests set the limit at 40, a few at 37. This means that you are positive for the coronavirus if the test process required up to 40 cycles, or 37, to detect the virus.

Tests with thresholds so high may detect not just live virus but also genetic fragments, leftovers from infection that pose no particular risk — akin to finding a hair in a room long after a person has left, Dr. Mina said."

“'It’s just kind of mind-blowing to me that people are not recording the C.T. values from all these tests — that they’re just returning a positive or a negative,' said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University in New York."

"With a cutoff of 35, about 43 percent of those tests would no longer qualify as positive. About 63 percent would no longer be judged positive if the cycles were limited to 30.

In Massachusetts, from 85 to 90 percent of people who tested positive in July with a cycle threshold of 40 would have been deemed negative if the threshold were 30 cycles, Dr. Mina said. 'I would say that none of those people should be contact-traced, not one,' he said."

Of course the fake checkers are quick to gaslight people into thinking the article doesn't mean what it says. The idiot scientists and doctors who thought PCR was being used appropriately to diagnose infections are finally catching up to the facts every other scientist knew to begin with. At least they are too dumb to realize they should be embarrassed for not knowing better to begin with.

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member
Come on guys, enough with those silly memes :teethy:.

We need some real serious discussion on this thread.

Wait, you’re being serious? Dido agrees, you must be serious.


Well-Known Member
It’s interesting to walk around maskless at my grocery store now and see the silent struggle in vaccinated peoples’ eyes between common sense and fear of being mistaken for a Trumpee if the mask comes off.
i saw a woman driving alone in a car with a mask on. Is it possible some people are just stupid?

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member
They literally adjusted PCR cycle standards the day Biden was inaugurated so the numbers would improve.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they told the labs to follow the manufacturer's protocol......because they have NOT been following the protocols.

So, they switched it to prevent the false positives they knew were happening.

That's not a rebuttal. That's an admission of guilt.


I'm a star
Yes, they told the labs to follow the manufacturer's protocol......because they have NOT been following the protocols.

So, they switched it to prevent the false positives they knew were happening.

That's not a rebuttal. That's an admission of guilt.

These fake checks only serve to give a misleading, gaslighting headline in support of whatever the mainstream narrative is. They know the people who use these fake check stories to support their views are too dumb to read past the headline, or understand the content of the article if they did.