

You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
These fake checks only serve to give a misleading, gaslighting headline in support of whatever the mainstream narrative is. They know the people who use these fake check stories to support their views are too dumb to read past the headline, or understand the content of the article if they did.
I mean it doesn’t take much reading comprehension to read these fact checks and see all they say is “well technically no” that wasn’t literally what was said.

Written to satisfy those without a shred of critical thinking.


nowhere special
I mean it doesn’t take much reading comprehension to read these fact checks and see all they say is “well technically no” that wasn’t literally what was said.

Written to satisfy those without a shred of critical thinking.
click bait headlines when they know most people won't read the details. And inconvenient facts will be buried several paragraphs deep

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Wait, you’re being serious? Dido agrees, you must be serious.
Z Man is one of the very few (may be the only one) whose posts I take seriously.
I don't agree with some of his posts or POV but I take them as being sincere posts.

For instance, you! I rarely perceive anything you post as sincere although I like you as a person.

For almost everyone, Current Events is simply a playground to post arguments based on emotion ... not facts or solid logic.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Z Man is one of the very few (may be the only one) whose posts I take seriously.
I don't agree with some of his posts or POV but I take them as being sincere posts.

For instance, you! I rarely perceive anything you post as sincere although I like you as a person.

For almost everyone, Current Events is simply a playground to post arguments based on emotion ... not facts or solid logic.
I feel personally attacked.


I'm a star
Z Man is one of the very few (may be the only one) whose posts I take seriously.
I don't agree with some of his posts or POV but I take them as being sincere posts.

For instance, you! I rarely perceive anything you post as sincere although I like you as a person.

For almost everyone, Current Events is simply a playground to post arguments based on emotion ... not facts or solid logic.

Not everything I post is sincere. And what I do post sincerely, I don't always necessarily believe. Sometimes I'm playing devil's advocate, sometimes I'm just picking a view to see if I can get someone to tell me why It's wrong. Most of the responses I get are emotionally charged gibberish and fallacy.

Sometimes, though, I learn something useful, so It's worth the aggravation. The best part is that I always get to learn about people's thought processes. Hopefully I'll learn to effectively communicate ideas to even the most illogical person. Baby steps.

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member
Z Man is one of the very few (may be the only one) whose posts I take seriously.
I don't agree with some of his posts or POV but I take them as being sincere posts.

For instance, you! I rarely perceive anything you post as sincere although I like you as a person.

For almost everyone, Current Events is simply a playground to post arguments based on emotion ... not facts or solid logic.
I tried, then I looked at his source materials (the little he's given). You can always find someone to agree with whatever harebrained idea you want to believe. That doesn't make it true.

People that tend to use pejoratives and ad hominems in their posts I take with a grain of salt.

He seems educated, but a bit blinded. I was a history major, not math or hard sciences. I've seen this before.


I'm a star
I've seen this before.

How utterly and profoundly ominous. Where do you get your lines? 40's and 50's B horror flicks?

Let me ask, are you posting as though everyone realizes you have multiple accounts? Or are you posting as though no one realizes? Or is it a mix? It's like Stewie on Family Guy. Some characters understand him as the audience does, and some hear only baby talk, but it's not always clear to the audience which is which. If I had a clearer picture of exactly how you thought you were being perceived I might understand you better.

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member
How utterly and profoundly ominous. Where do you get your lines? 40's and 50's B horror flicks?

Let me ask, are you posting as though everyone realizes you have multiple accounts? Or are you posting as though no one realizes? Or is it a mix? It's like Stewie on Family Guy. Some characters understand him as the audience does, and some hear only baby talk, but it's not always clear to the audience which is which. If I had a clearer picture of exactly how you thought you were being perceived I might understand you better.
I have one account. The management chooses which is active, but it’s always just one.

why are you so threatened? There is no ambiguity in my posting.

Poop Head

Judge me.
Idk if anyone talked about this yet.. apparently the test swabs for covid are saturated in ethylene oxide. Known to cause cancer and reproductive harm.

Idk this is specific to the covid swabs, or is this all swabs they use like that. Just putting it out there

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Idk if anyone talked about this yet.. apparently the test swabs for covid are saturated in ethylene oxide. Known to cause cancer and reproductive harm.

Idk this is specific to the covid swabs, or is this all swabs they use like that. Just putting it out there
Sounds like the “State of California blah blah” warnings on every consumer product.

Poop Head

Judge me.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Idk if anyone talked about this yet.. apparently the test swabs for covid are saturated in ethylene oxide. Known to cause cancer and reproductive harm.

Idk this is specific to the covid swabs, or is this all swabs they use like that. Just putting it out there

Pssssssh. The same people who are worried about the swabs causing cancer believe COVID came from a lab!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
But they do use the stuff to sterilize plastic medical equipment. Idk. Just sayin. Werent women complaining of *ed up menstrual cycles after getting vaccinated? Maybe it was from the test
I’m not going to worry about things like this. I doubt medical tests are going to knowingly use harmful chemicals. It takes extremely low social trust to concern yourself with issues like these. That leads you down the path of conspiracy theory nonsense.