
Off the leash

Well-Known Member
This is America. You can sue anybody for anything 😎
As far as the vaccinated spreading the virus? Mutations happen in response to vaccine. Not just this vaccine, like every vaccine ever. Viruses are strong organisms. They adapt.
The good news is, that those getting reinfected are not getting sick. And also, the number of those getting reinfected are extremely rare.
Which, correct me if I’m wrong, indicates that the shot works?
Ok I’ll correct you. I know someone that is sick right now and was vaccinated. So what’s the point? It obviously doesn’t work on the variants.

Netsua 3:16

It obviously doesn’t work on the variants.
That remains to be seen.
Really, it’s not weird scientifically that such a strong virus would be able overwhelm a vaccine that was rushed into existence. It was rushed because it WORKED; and corporate America (specifically at least) was desperate. In my opinion.
This is why the talk of more vaccines, or boosters isn’t weird. Viruses mutate guys.
You are reading about people with the vax getting reinfected, but for the most part, it’s NOT happening. I.E. the 100+ people I know personally, and have not heard of one single reinfection.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
This is America. You can sue anybody for anything 😎
As far as the vaccinated spreading the virus? Mutations happen in response to vaccine. Not just this vaccine, like every vaccine ever. Viruses are strong organisms. They adapt.
The good news is, that those getting reinfected are not getting sick. And also, the number of those getting reinfected are extremely rare.
Which, correct me if I’m wrong, indicates that the shot works?
Viruses aren’t organisms.


Well-Known Member
Viruses aren’t organisms.
agent smith says otherwise im assuming hes right:

Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
That remains to be seen.
Really, it’s not weird scientifically that such a strong virus would be able overwhelm a vaccine that was rushed into existence. It was rushed because it WORKED; and corporate America (specifically at least) was desperate. In my opinion.
This is why the talk of more vaccines, or boosters isn’t weird. Viruses mutate guys.
You are reading about people with the vax getting reinfected, but for the most part, it’s NOT happening. I.E. the 100+ people I know personally, and have not heard of one single reinfection.
It’s not a vaccine! That’s the problem. Remains to be seen? How many vaccinated people need to get sick to convince you Doctor? Keep whistling past the graveyard.

Netsua 3:16

It’s not a vaccine! That’s the problem. Remains to be seen? How many vaccinated people need to get sick to convince you Doctor? Keep whistling past the graveyard.

You say tomato, I say Tommatto

Off the leash

Well-Known Member

You say tomato, I say Tommatto
And yet you still have to wear a mask if vaccinated


I'm a star
Nobody is forcing you.
At what point does coercion become force?

You are not forced to work at employers that mandate vaccine.

But I am being forced to choose between taking an action that may be detrimental to my health and another than will have a negative financial impact. It' absurd to think employers have the power to invade into my personal medical decisions under any circumstances.

BUT, employers face massive risks allowing unvaxed to work for them.
That's a claim not supported by the evidence. Let people stay home when they are sick, problem solved. And they do not face liability for seasonal respiratory illness. Never have been. I wish I could say I don't know where you get this nonsense, but I do, and it is nonsense.
You are not forced to travel
That's the take you have on this?
You don't think I should be allowed to fly across country to a family member's funeral or wedding if I'm not vaxxed?
BUT, those who want to travel, should understand that if an airline were to suffer an outbreak, it would be catastrophic to their workforce, and affect ALL BUSINESSES at airports, etc
That's a lie. Airlines have no liability because they have no right or power to invade into people's medical decisions. They have no right to discriminate who they will serve based on a perceived medical condition, and the burden of proof is on them to establish that an individual poses any risk at all to others. An unvaxxed status is not sufficient proof, nor are they allowed to even ask.

You have access to these privileges, should you decide to become a contributing member of our society.
Your ability to choose is still present.

I am a contributing member of society. They are not priveleges, they are rights. To claim otherwise on any point only shows how far you have to stretch all logic and reason to support your views. Prove that I am a direct threat to anyone... You can't.

Honestly, the entire basis of your arguments here is made up with no support in reality. It makes me wonder why you would go to such lengths to pedal totalitarian fantasy. You are coming across as ungenuine, and bordering on being added to my Brandolini's law list.

Netsua 3:16

Everything you just stated fails to consider, that it is UNFAIR to MAKE a business adhere to these moralities IN A FREE MARKET.
It just so happens that businesses are looking to mandate the vaccine, because that is what they believe to be the best decision for their business.
Remember, we do not live in a libertarian utopia where you can just do whatever you want; we are capitalist, and democratic, and there are rules to the game
If you would like to NOT play the game, nobody is forcing you. Because, this is America.
You want your cake and to it too, life doesn’t work that way

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Everything you just stated fails to consider, that it is UNFAIR to MAKE a business adhere to these moralities IN A FREE MARKET.
It just so happens that businesses are looking to mandate the vaccine, because that is what they believe to be the best decision for their business.
Remember, we do not live in a libertarian utopia where you can just do whatever you want; we are capitalist, and democratic, and there are rules to the game
If you would like to NOT play the game, nobody is forcing you. Because, this is America.
You want your cake and to it too
Can’t be forced to take the vaccine in AZ if you have religious objections, ☺️