
Netsua 3:16

At what point does coercion become force?

But I am being forced to choose between taking an action that may be detrimental to my health and another than will have a negative financial impact. It' absurd to think employers have the power to invade into my personal medical decisions under any circumstances

I am a contributing member of society. They are not priveleges, they are rights. To claim otherwise on any point only shows how far you have to stretch all logic and reason to support your views. Prove that I am a direct threat to anyone... You can't.

Honestly, the entire basis of your arguments here is made up with no support in reality. It makes me wonder why you would go to such lengths to pedal totalitarian fantasy. You are coming across as ungenuine, and bordering on being added to my Brandolini's law list.
Honestly, you sound like you’re just whining because you don’t like the way this has been handled. You confuse your privileges with “rights.”Example:
You want to fly on a plane? Hard to get clearance when you’re a convicted felon. Why is that?
We have laws for a reason. The reason is; that they are for the best of society. This vaccine is not even close to being a law, yet YOU are stretching logic to get THERE


I'm a star
Everything you just stated fails to consider, that it is UNFAIR to MAKE a business adhere to these moralities IN A FREE MARKET.
It just so happens that businesses are looking to mandate the vaccine, because that is what they believe to be the best decision for their business.
Remember, we do not live in a libertarian utopia where you can just do whatever you want; we are capitalist, and democratic, and there are rules to the game
If you would like to NOT play the game, nobody is forcing you. Because, this is America.
You want your cake and to it too

We live an an constitutional democracy, also known as a republic. You can run your business anyway you want, except illegally. No laws can be passed that go against the constitution or our rights, thus any law that allows for a business to infringe on our rights is invalid, so businesses can't operate that way. If businesses want to operate, they have to play by the rules. If not, they can move to China, where people have no rights. You are arguing from power, with the assumption that those with power are right, no matter what. That is not how the game works here.

Netsua 3:16

We live an an constitutional democracy, also known as a republic. You can run your business anyway you want, except illegally. No laws can be passed that go against the constitution or our rights, thus any law that allows for a business to infringe on our rights is invalid, so businesses can't operate that way. If businesses want to operate, they have to play by the rules. If not, they can move to China, where people have no rights. You are arguing from power, with the assumption that those with power are right, no matter what. That is not how the game works here.
Thats going to be extremely difficult to prove; that it’s illegal to mandate vaccination and or mask use to customers and or employees.
Because, not every business will do that. You will have alternatives. You might have to go to the 8chan personals section to find the “help wanted” as YOU WANT, but you are still free to choose. This is America.


I'm a star
Honestly, you sound like you’re just whining because you don’t like the way this has been handled. You confuse your privileges with “rights.”Example:
You want to fly on a plane? Hard to get clearance when you’re a convicted felon. Why is that?
We have laws for a reason. The reason is; that they are for the best of society. This vaccine is not even close to being a law, yet YOU are stretching logic to get THERE

You just sound like you're whining.

You confuse rights with priveleges.

"I want businesses to be able to force people to do what I want them to do! WAAAA!!! Someone change my dipey!"


I'm a star
Thats going to be extremely difficult to prove; that it’s illegal to mandate vaccination and or mask use to customers and or employees.
Because, not every business will do that. You will have alternatives. You might have to go to the 8chan personals section to find the “help wanted” as YOU WANT, but you are still free to choose. This is America.

Yep, and businesses are free to operate within the rules or move to communist china.

The Driver

I drive.
If Joe Biden is pro-vaccine that means dimwits on this board feel a pressing need to be anti-vaccine. It’s pretty simple. It’s also ludicrous.

Can’t imagine how hard Vladimir and Xi are smiling at us throwing away and flushing our chances of a strong recovery. They have to be thrilled.

Netsua 3:16

You just sound like you're whining.

You confuse rights with priveleges.

"I want businesses to be able to force people to do what I want them to do! WAAAA!!! Someone change my dipey!"
Nobody is forcing you to do anything, pal. Are you vaccinated?
I’m not whining. I’m trying to convey that while I may respect you cognitive abilities and decision making skills, I don’t agree with your libertarian point of view on the world, and commerce.


I'm a star
Nobody is forcing you to do anything, pal. Are you vaccinated?
I’m not whining. I’m trying to convey that while I may respect you cognitive abilities and decision making skills, I don’t agree with your libertarian point of view on the world, and commerce.

It's actually not a libertarian point of view. Libertarian's generally operate under the same misguided and incorrect premise as you, that a business somehow has strange and mystical rights and powers that trump the law and individual rights. I have an American point of view, one where individual liberty is paramount.

It's funny that you feel the need to keep telling me I'm not being forced to get the vaccine. I never made the claim that I was (I reread my last post, and that was meant to be hypothetical in response to the hypothetical, I meant to say "would be") . I merely point out that employers don't actually have the right to mandate vaccines, and that's usually in response to someone, like you, saying they do. So which is it? Do employers have the power to mandate vaccines or not? Just because I'm not being forced to choose between quitting and getting the vaccine now, doesn't mean it won't happen unless the courts make some good decisions that reclarify the law that has been clear for decades.

Employers like to pretend that laws and case law that they don't like don't exist, until someone is forced to slap sense into them with a lawsuit. It's really quite tiring, dealing with this yo-yo of having to deal with our rights being ignored, until the courts finally shut that down, only to have new rights ignored right away or the same ones ignored a few years down the road. It only happens because people think it's ok until someone has the balls to stand up to it.

Just remember, you shouldn't confuse your unwillingness to stand up for yourself with the "rules".

Netsua 3:16

It's actually not a libertarian point of view. Libertarian's generally operate under the same misguided and incorrect premise as you, that a business somehow has strange and mystical rights and powers that trump the law and individual rights. I have an American point of view, one where individual liberty is paramount.

It's funny that you feel the need to keep telling me I'm not being forced to get the vaccine. I never made the claim that I was. I merely point out that employers don't actually have the right to mandate vaccines, and that's usually in response to someone, like you, saying they do. So which is it? Do employers have the power to mandate vaccines or not? Just because I'm not being forced to choose between quitting and getting the vaccine now, doesn't mean it won't happen unless the courts make some good decisions that reclarify the law that has been clear for decades.

Employers like to pretend that laws and case law that they don't like don't exist, until someone is forced to slap sense into them with a lawsuit. It's really quite tiring, dealing with this yo-yo of having to deal with our rights being ignored, until the courts finally shut that down, only to have new rights ignored right away or the same ones ignored a few years down the road. It only happens because people think it's ok until someone has the balls to stand up to it.

Just remember, you shouldn't confuse your unwillingness to stand up for yourself with the "rules".
I pick my battles, Z. A virus that kills people and shuts down economies is not MY BATTLE to fight. It’s OURS. You AND me. No one individual is bigger than the commonwealth.
I DO fight in other battles though; for example, I will not vote for a puppet president, and I never have.
Also, the employers will have upwards of 70% of the population as their defense. You are in the minority here.
Look at me, critically thinking, AND participating in necessary evil at the same time! Maintaining my sense of self and individual. It’s AMAZEBALLS

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
I pick my battles, Z. A virus that kills people and shuts down economies is not MY BATTLE to fight. It’s OURS. You AND me. No one individual is bigger than the commonwealth.
I DO fight in other battles though; for example, I will not vote for a puppet president, and I never have.
Also, the employers will have upwards of 70% of the population as their defense. You are in the minority here.
Look at me, critically thinking, AND participating in necessary evil at the same time! Maintaining my sense of self and individual. It’s AMAZEBALLS
Virus that kills the elderly and people with co-morbidites. The rest survive it 99.8% of the time. The economy should never have been shut down. And they don’t and won’t have 70% of the people on their side. You only see what you want to see because you got the vaccine. So called vaccine!

Netsua 3:16

Virus that kills the elderly and people with co-morbidites. The rest survive it 99.8% of the time. The economy should never have been shut down. And they don’t and won’t have 70% of the people on their side. You only see what you want to see because you got the vaccine. So called vaccine!
I keep reading this “it only kills old and sick people” argument
So we just let people die? That’s the right move?
Not only is that inhumane, it’s not practical to our financial environment.
You don’t just let consumers die. You don’t just let your customers get sick and die.
You wanna pay for their vaccine? Or you wanna pay for their hospital debt?


Inordinately Right
I keep reading this “it only kills old and sick people” argument
So we just let people die? That’s the right move?
Not only is that inhumane, it’s not practical to our financial environment.
You don’t just let consumers die. You don’t just let your customers get sick and die.
You wanna pay for their vaccine? Or you wanna pay for their hospital debt?
They can get the vaccine.
You're not thinking rationally kiddo.


Well-Known Member
It's actually not a libertarian point of view. Libertarian's generally operate under the same misguided and incorrect premise as you, that a business somehow has strange and mystical rights and powers that trump the law and individual rights. I have an American point of view, one where individual liberty is paramount.

It's funny that you feel the need to keep telling me I'm not being forced to get the vaccine. I never made the claim that I was (I reread my last post, and that was meant to be hypothetical in response to the hypothetical, I meant to say "would be") . I merely point out that employers don't actually have the right to mandate vaccines, and that's usually in response to someone, like you, saying they do. So which is it? Do employers have the power to mandate vaccines or not? Just because I'm not being forced to choose between quitting and getting the vaccine now, doesn't mean it won't happen unless the courts make some good decisions that reclarify the law that has been clear for decades.

Employers like to pretend that laws and case law that they don't like don't exist, until someone is forced to slap sense into them with a lawsuit. It's really quite tiring, dealing with this yo-yo of having to deal with our rights being ignored, until the courts finally shut that down, only to have new rights ignored right away or the same ones ignored a few years down the road. It only happens because people think it's ok until someone has the balls to stand up to it.

Just remember, you shouldn't confuse your unwillingness to stand up for yourself with the "rules".

Ken Klippenstein


Love to have a concept of freedom that includes the right to not get vaccinated but not the right to food and housing


Well-Known Member
It's actually not a libertarian point of view. Libertarian's generally operate under the same misguided and incorrect premise as you, that a business somehow has strange and mystical rights and powers that trump the law and individual rights. I have an American point of view, one where individual liberty is paramount.

It's funny that you feel the need to keep telling me I'm not being forced to get the vaccine. I never made the claim that I was (I reread my last post, and that was meant to be hypothetical in response to the hypothetical, I meant to say "would be") . I merely point out that employers don't actually have the right to mandate vaccines, and that's usually in response to someone, like you, saying they do. So which is it? Do employers have the power to mandate vaccines or not? Just because I'm not being forced to choose between quitting and getting the vaccine now, doesn't mean it won't happen unless the courts make some good decisions that reclarify the law that has been clear for decades.

Employers like to pretend that laws and case law that they don't like don't exist, until someone is forced to slap sense into them with a lawsuit. It's really quite tiring, dealing with this yo-yo of having to deal with our rights being ignored, until the courts finally shut that down, only to have new rights ignored right away or the same ones ignored a few years down the road. It only happens because people think it's ok until someone has the balls to stand up to it.

Just remember, you shouldn't confuse your unwillingness to stand up for yourself with the "rules".
Ken Klippenstein


We can’t just let employers—the people who have complete control over your access to healthcare—require people get vaccinated. That would be coercive

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
I keep reading this “it only kills old and sick people” argument
So we just let people die? That’s the right move?
Not only is that inhumane, it’s not practical to our financial environment.
You don’t just let consumers die. You don’t just let your customers get sick and die.
You wanna pay for their vaccine? Or you wanna pay for their hospital debt?
Deaths are way down


Well-Known Member
It's actually not a libertarian point of view. Libertarian's generally operate under the same misguided and incorrect premise as you, that a business somehow has strange and mystical rights and powers that trump the law and individual rights. I have an American point of view, one where individual liberty is paramount.

It's funny that you feel the need to keep telling me I'm not being forced to get the vaccine. I never made the claim that I was (I reread my last post, and that was meant to be hypothetical in response to the hypothetical, I meant to say "would be") . I merely point out that employers don't actually have the right to mandate vaccines, and that's usually in response to someone, like you, saying they do. So which is it? Do employers have the power to mandate vaccines or not? Just because I'm not being forced to choose between quitting and getting the vaccine now, doesn't mean it won't happen unless the courts make some good decisions that reclarify the law that has been clear for decades.

Employers like to pretend that laws and case law that they don't like don't exist, until someone is forced to slap sense into them with a lawsuit. It's really quite tiring, dealing with this yo-yo of having to deal with our rights being ignored, until the courts finally shut that down, only to have new rights ignored right away or the same ones ignored a few years down the road. It only happens because people think it's ok until someone has the balls to stand up to it.

Just remember, you shouldn't confuse your unwillingness to stand up for yourself with the "rules".