

Well-Known Member
Leaked CDC presentation slides showed that unpublished research indicated that the Delta variant causes more severe illness in unvaccinated people and spreads as easily as chickenpox.
Why it matters: While "breakthrough cases" have been getting media attention, the low numbers show that the pandemic is mostly a threat for the unvaccinated population.



I'm a star

Ken Klippenstein


Love to have a concept of freedom that includes the right to not get vaccinated but not the right to food and housing

She has it exactly backwards. Someone has to provide the housing and food, that's why having food and housing is not a right. Pursuing and securing food and housing, where and what as you see fit, through agreements with the people who own them is a right. Businesses do not have the right to arbitrarily block people from access to the exchange of goods and services because you have the right to participate in the market. To have that right suspended requires due process.

The right to not be vaccinated doesn't require anyone to do anything. It falls under your right to be secure in your person. You have the right to maintain your body and health in the condition you see fit, based upon your individual circumstances.

Man, this is like preschool level stuff here. No wonder everyone is so mixed up on this stuff, they don't even have an understanding of the basic principles of liberty. Smh.


I'm a star
Leaked CDC presentation slides showed that unpublished research indicated that the Delta variant causes more severe illness in unvaccinated people and spreads as easily as chickenpox.
Why it matters: While "breakthrough cases" have been getting media attention, the low numbers show that the pandemic is mostly a threat for the unvaccinated population.

Lol, because they stopped testing the vaccinated. And the tests they use have been pulled due to false positives. You guys will fall for anything.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
She has it exactly backwards. Someone has to provide the housing and food, that's why having food and housing is not a right. Pursuing and securing food and housing, where and what as you see fit, through agreements with the people who own them is a right. Businesses do not have the right to arbitrarily block people from access to the exchange of goods and services because you have the right to participate in the market. To have that right suspended requires due process.

The right to not be vaccinated doesn't require anyone to do anything. It falls under your right to be secure in your person. You have the right to maintain your body and health in the condition you see fit, based upon your individual circumstances.

Man, this is like preschool level stuff here. No wonder everyone is so mixed up on this stuff, they don't even have an understanding of the basic principles of liberty. Smh.
They’re like babies


Well-Known Member
She has it exactly backwards. Someone has to provide the housing and food, that's why having food and housing is not a right. Pursuing and securing food and housing, where and what as you see fit, through agreements with the people who own them is a right. Businesses do not have the right to arbitrarily block people from access to the exchange of goods and services because you have the right to participate in the market. To have that right suspended requires due process.

The right to not be vaccinated doesn't require anyone to do anything. It falls under your right to be secure in your person. You have the right to maintain your body and health in the condition you see fit, based upon your individual circumstances.

Man, this is like preschool level stuff here. No wonder everyone is so mixed up on this stuff, they don't even have an understanding of the basic principles of liberty. Smh.
how can you be secure without food and housing?


I'm a star
how can you be secure without food and housing?

That's up to you. No one can force you to eat if you don't want, you can't force someone to feed you. You can't force someone to give you a place to stay. Maybe you don't want to be tied to a physical location. Why should you be burdened with housing if you don't want to work for it? Why should someone be burdened to feed you if you don't want to pay for their labor? Talk about exploitation.

The Driver

I drive.
Tomorrow we will average a death a minute. You can break down the deaths daily, you don’t need to go back months. Today Spain had 769 deaths. Spain is the size of Texas. America will average a death a minute for two weeks. That’s a promise.
You tried to warn these people. But now they’ve moved the goalposts. If it isn’t 50,000 excess deaths a day it doesn’t matter to them. TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP


Well-Known Member
That's up to you. No one can force you to eat if you don't want, you can't force someone to feed you, you can't force someone to give you a place to stay. Maybe you don't want to be tied to a physical location, why should you be burdened with housing if you don't want to work for it, why should someone be burdened to feed you if you don't want to pay for their labor. Talk about exploitation.
because if theyre not secure then maybe im not secure? ur kinda right this is an example of people who consume more than they produce. although i think i prefer old people and disabled to consume more than they produce.


I'm a star
because if theyre not secure then maybe im not secure? ur kinda right this is an example of people who consume more than they produce. although i think i prefer old people and disabled to consume more than they produce.

The idea behind old people is that they should produce more than they consume throughout their lives and save up so that they don't burden others when they can't produce as much. Obviously things don't always work out for everyone, so we consent to a welfare state to take care of the less fortunate at a relatively minor expense when spread out amongst society as a whole. But then politicians ruin it by expanding welfare and buying votes with taxpayer money, and, worse, debt. Eventually everyone becomes a slave to the state.


Well-Known Member
The idea behind old people is that they should produce more than they consume throughout their lives and save up so that they don't burden others when they can't produce as much. Obviously things don't always work out for everyone, so we consent to a welfare state to take care of the less fortunate at a relatively minor expense when spread out amongst society as a whole. But then politicians ruin it by expanding welfare and buying votes with taxpayer money, and, worse, debt. Eventually everyone becomes a slave to the state.
theres wage slavery too. dont forget that.

you've likely been on a 40 year neoliberal bender of cutting social programs. look at tuition, look at what bill clinton did to welfare, look at infrastructure. so i think were a ways away from your state slavery. the state is pretty unforgiving it seems. as we speak, biden can cancel student debt, but he wont unless a movement makes him.

social security: brought to you by communists, unions, and socialists during great depression.


Well-Known Member
That's up to you. No one can force you to eat if you don't want, you can't force someone to feed you. You can't force someone to give you a place to stay. Maybe you don't want to be tied to a physical location. Why should you be burdened with housing if you don't want to work for it? Why should someone be burdened to feed you if you don't want to pay for their labor? Talk about exploitation.
“The liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States to every person within its jurisdiction does not import an absolute right in each person to be, at all times and in all circumstances, wholly free from restraint,” the court wrote. “There are manifold restraints to which every person is necessarily subject for the common good.” - supreme court?


The Driver

I drive.
theres wage slavery too. dont forget that.

you've likely been on a 40 year neoliberal bender of cutting social programs. look at tuition, look at what bill clinton did to welfare, look at infrastructure. so i think were a ways away from your state slavery. the state is pretty unforgiving it seems. as we speak, biden can cancel student debt, but he wont unless a movement makes him.

social security: brought to you by communists, unions, and socialists during great depression.
How many fat alcoholics among us can’t be bothered to save money and will need that social security payment while bitching about taxes their whole working lives?


Well-Known Member
The idea behind old people is that they should produce more than they consume throughout their lives and save up so that they don't burden others when they can't produce as much. Obviously things don't always work out for everyone, so we consent to a welfare state to take care of the less fortunate at a relatively minor expense when spread out amongst society as a whole. But then politicians ruin it by expanding welfare and buying votes with taxpayer money, and, worse, debt. Eventually everyone becomes a slave to the state.
“There is, of course, a sphere within which the individual may assert the supremacy of his own will, and rightfully dispute the authority of any human government, especially of any free government existing under a written constitution, to interfere with the exercise of that will,” the Supreme Court wrote in Jacobson. “But it is equally true that in every well-ordered society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.”