

Well-Known Member
Lord Trump, I ask that you touch his body, Lord. Please, dear Donald, if it be your will. Phil is in a lot of pain and we need your healing and divine touch. Dearest Trump, I pray that you crawl into that hospital bed with Phillip, pull that bedsheet over the both of yous, and massage the demon plague out of them lungs. Donald, please, I rebuke that virus. Give him the kiss of life, suck that pneumonia out of those lungs and spit it back in the Devil's face! Phil isn't ready for that golden escalator ride up the tower of greatness. Please use him Lord, to show the world that it's just a little flu. In Donald's name we belch, Amen!
Your type seems to be the only reprobate bunch to equate Trump with Jesus.
Trump lives rent free in your head.

Pertaining to Jesus my hope is you do this willingly, be not deceived you will do it, nonetheless.

Philippians 2:10-11
10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.



Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
Can't wait to go to work tomorrow.
We were told masks are required in building again as of 8/1.
what a joke , it’s getting out of friend* it , it adds about 30 minutes to my day messing around with masks I told my boss. Funny how at first they said if you even touch the mask it’s contaminated and these idiots wearing same dirty mask over and over .


Well-Known Member
what a joke , it’s getting out of friend* it , it adds about 30 minutes to my day messing around with masks I told my boss. Funny how at first they said if you even touch the mask it’s contaminated and these idiots wearing same dirty mask over and over .
Legitimate question, I don't know the answer.

Does anything in your contract give UPS the authority to issue an edict like this?

If not, you are effectively locked out, in violation of contract, it becomes a legal issue on which you have rights, contractually and the union sould seek an injunction forcing the company to adhere to the contract.


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
Legitimate question, I don't know the answer.

Does anything in your contract give UPS the authority to issue an edict like this?

If not, you are effectively locked out, in violation of contract, it becomes a legal issue on which you have rights, contractually and the union sould seek an injunction forcing the company to adhere to the contract.
Peak is 12 weeks away

The Driver

I drive.
Just a sinner, he just seems to be full speed ahead to reprobate status.

It's not enough for him to deny The Savior, he feels the need to mock believers as well.

I'll say this prayer for him once

Father, forgive him; for he knows not what he does.
Jesus Christ is like all the other god figures. Doesn’t exist. It’s all in your imagination. You are alone in the universe. You will die and be forever gone, a soul not contained within.

The Driver

I drive.
Joseph Flynn, brother of traitor Michael Flynn, is sick with COVID-19. He said he went to an animal feed store to buy ivermectin. Lol



Well-Known Member
Only 6,587 - or 0.004 per cent - of the 163 million Americans who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 had suffered serious 'breakthrough' infections as of Monday.

this is crap news like ny post @Operational needs