
He might be, but you need bubble wrap. It’s obvious you’re not wrapped tight.
Everything I’m telling you is true I’m telling you that there’s going to be another lock down right after Obozo has his party on Martha’s Vineyard so probably early next week…and this time it’s going to go through the midterms so it’s going to be longer it’s going to be more authoritarian. And the only way you can save yourself is if you resist submission is slavery

The Driver

I drive.
Everything I’m telling you is true I’m telling you that there’s going to be another lock down right after Obozo has his party on Martha’s Vineyard so probably early next week…and this time it’s going to go through the midterms so it’s going to be longer it’s going to be more authoritarian. And the only way you can save yourself is if you resist submission is slavery
There won’t be any lockdowns, at least with Delta.


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
Cant wait for lockdown life again , sick of my girlfriend hitting on guys at the bar... ( and gas was $1 a gallon) #BRINGBACKTHELOCKDOWN

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
He never told us he got the shot.

Donald and Melania Trump received Covid vaccine at the White House in January

"Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania Trump received the Covid-19 vaccine at the White House in January, a Trump adviser told CNN on Monday.

It was not immediately clear which vaccine or how many doses each had received.

The revelation comes after the former President urged his followers to get vaccinated for the virus during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida, on Sunday, telling the audience, “How unpainful that vaccine shot is, so everybody go get your shot.”

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Fox News:

"Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania Trump received their COVID-19 vaccines in January at the White House, Fox News confirmed.

It is unclear which vaccine the Trumps received, but a Trump official told Fox News they are both fully vaccinated with two doses.

Both Trump and the former first lady tested positive for COVID-19 in October.

The former president was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to receive treatment, which included an antibody cocktail, as well as zinc, Vitamin D, famotidine, melatonin and a daily aspirin and a five-day course of Remdesivir.

Former Vice President Mike Pence and former second lady Karen Pence also received their coronavirus vaccines in December, along with former Surgeon General Jerome Adams."