
Your common sense is just wacko conspiracy theories. Absolutely positively zero proof.
Mate they lied about all the deaths. The amount of people who died of China virus alone is like 10 thousand. You’re a fool. If the media told you to commit suicide to save yourself from covid would you please do it

The Driver

I drive.
Lmao he all but admits it. Make it easy to scan ballots 9 times dead voters voters who moved harvest them all baby! Truck them in at 2 in the morning. It’s so easy
Those videos of them scanning them multiple times do not mean jack. You can scan them a million :censored2:ing times and the computer only counts them once. Plus there are back up paper copies WHEN THEY DID THE AUDITS AND RECOUNTS.

Anything else, tough little boy? Go clean your rifle.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Fear is driving the unvaccinated people who don't want to be vaccinated.
There is also a level of defiance in this thing. The government is not going to tell me what to do with my body.
The federal government did not mandate that you take polio vaccine. Every state in the union did.
The states are going to be going forward and tell you what you can and can't do about covid.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Smile for a while, and let's be jolly
Covid shouldn't be so melancholy
Come along and share the virus while we can

I beg your pardon
I never promised you an easy bargain
Along with the sunshine
There has to be a little conspiracy sometime
I don’t think a lot of this vaccine bullying crowd actually took it themselves. I mean who’s gonna check you? It’s incredibly easy to just lie about and all you do is virtue signal.


I'm a star
The fact that you ask this demonstrates your lack of sophisticated understanding of the situation. The vaccines are authorized for emergency use. One of the stipulations for an EUA is that there is no other effective option available. Now that it has been proved, through multiple random control trials, that Ivermectin is effective as a prophylactic and a treatment, the EUA has to be pulled. So, in the context of the claims that the vaccine is necessary to stop the pandemic, yes it is not necessary anymore. Does that clarify it sufficiently?

Was there ever a need?
I don't think so, but I was communicating to an audience that may have believed otherwise. Was that not obvious?

Again.. Is the Covid vax effective or not?

I'll leave the absolute proclamations based on too little data to people who are in favor of the vaccine. The evidence is bad, though, and getting worse. Check back with me in 5-7 years, when a rational person would have enough data to know if It's safe and effective enough to get, if you're still with us.

I know you don't have a boob tube, so I don't know where you get your mainstream talking points. Clearly you have the internet. You should use it to look up stuff that you don't know.
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Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Those videos of them scanning them multiple times do not mean jack. You can scan them a million *ing times and the computer only counts them once. Plus there are back up paper copies WHEN THEY DID THE AUDITS AND RECOUNTS.

Anything else, tough little boy? Go clean your rifle.
That's where you are completely wrong.