

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
What else can I help you with?

So, you understand why you don't understand the things you don't understand? Cool.

What's your evidence that the shot saved anyone at all? I'll wait. There are verifiable cases where administration of Ivermectin actually saved lives.

Which I'll take to mean you don't understand why I won't answer yes or no, which in turn means you weren't actually able to give informed consent when you got your shots.

I'm glad that you can admit that you are unable to properly evaluate the data, and that your opinion on the data and $4.50 will get you a small coffee and starbucks.

Yes, your individual experience is all the proof I need. Thanks. Are you sure they stored the vaccine properly before administering it? Is there a program that you signed up for where you earn some money for every pro-vaxx post you write? That seems about the only other reason, besides the obvious, I can think of why anyone could possibly still be defending the shot anymore.

I enjoy how you think stating that you don't have a tv somehow means you can't possibly be affected by the institutional narrative. You clearly have a way to access the internet, and corporate media is all over the place there.
You’re special.
But, you already know that.
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Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You’re special.
And I’m sure you know you are.
Z-man has rational, logical, well thought out process of analyzing information, before arriving at his conclusion.

You have an emotional, instinctive acceptance of what “experts” offer.

One of you has a stable foundation, the other defends from shifting sand. One of you elicits respect, the other, sympathy.

Kudos to one of you.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Z-man has rational, logical, well thought out process of analyzing information, before arriving at his conclusion.

You have an emotional, instinctive acceptance of what “experts” offer.

One of you has a stable foundation, the other defends from shifting sand. One of you elicits respect, the other, sympathy.

Kudos to one of you.
BTW, I’m not a psychologist, but I read and listen to Jordan Peterson. ;-)


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Z-man has rational, logical, well thought out process of analyzing information, before arriving at his conclusion.

You have an emotional, instinctive acceptance of what “experts” offer.

One of you has a stable foundation, the other defends from shifting sand. One of you elicits respect, the other, sympathy.

Kudos to one of you.
I’m making fun of Z-man.
In his logical response the Z- man is just as emotional as the other camp . His arrogance is laughable.
My response is not an emotional argument at all.
Facts are there for both camps to make their own decision.
I don’t care if one takes the shot or not. I expect the same sentiment from everyone else.
Even those with a sophisticated level of understanding and inside information like the Z man has told us he has.


Well-Known Member
70% of the nation has been vaccinated, and as a reward we are once again required to wear masks. Tell me what makes sense about that?
what they're not telling us is the vaccine may protect you but it does not stop you from catching and spreading the virus. The so called break through cases. The messaging of science is horrible on this and leading to the mistrust. The politics makes it even worse.


El Correcto

god is dead
what they're not telling us is the vaccine may protect you but it does not stop you from catching and spreading the virus. The so called break through cases. The messaging of science is horrible on this and leading to the mistrust. The politics makes it even worse.

Got keep throwing this hissy fit til 2022. COVID is still around the corner waiting to kill you sheep!! Vote democrat!!!


Well-Known Member

Netsua 3:16


I’m confused…. If the vaccines work, why would anyone need a supplemental vaccine?
It’s not like they just roll a vaccine out and say “well, we figured it all out. Our work here is done”
The aim is to continue to find better ways to combat the virus
Pretty much every modern vaccine went through several “versions” before max efficiency


I'm a star
I’m making fun of Z-man.
In his logical response the Z- man is just as emotional as the other camp . His arrogance is laughable.
My response is not an emotional argument at all.
Facts are there for both camps to make their own decision.
I don’t care if one takes the shot or not. I expect the same sentiment from everyone else.
Even those with a sophisticated level of understanding and inside information like the Z man has told us he has.

Lol, I mirror the other person's arguments and style. I do it to everyone to help show them how they're being perceieved. Some people never pick up on it.

I never said I had inside information. My sources are out there for anyone to find. I love it when people reveal that they actually don't understand what I said by misrepresenting my argument. And, clearly, we'll never prove anything to anyone. That's not the point of arguing. Convincing people is, and I don't do it to convince the person I'm arguing with. I do like to experiment with different styles to see how they work.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I mirror the other person's arguments and style. I do it to everyone to help show them how they're being perceieved. Some people never pick up on it.

I never said I had inside information. My sources are out there for anyone to find. I love it when people reveal that they actually don't understand what I said by misrepresenting my argument. And, clearly, we'll never prove anything to anyone. That's not the point of arguing. Convincing people is, and I don't do it to convince the person I'm arguing with. I do like to experiment with different styles to see how they work.
try and be authentic

Netsua 3:16

try and be authentic
It’s not possible when you’re constantly asserting your thought process onto everybody.
It’s not conversation with him.
It’s “this is why I’m smart…check it out! Check out how smart I am! I love how people don’t know how smart I am, even though I’m spending so much time explaining to them why I’m super smart.”


Well-Known Member
It’s not possible when you’re constantly asserting your thought process onto everybody.
It’s not conversation with him.
It’s “this is why I’m smart…check it out! Check out how smart I am! I love how people don’t know how smart I am, even though I’m spending so much time explaining to them why I’m super smart.”
could be...



Well-Known Member
It’s not possible when you’re constantly asserting your thought process onto everybody.
It’s not conversation with him.
It’s “this is why I’m smart…check it out! Check out how smart I am! I love how people don’t know how smart I am, even though I’m spending so much time explaining to them why I’m super smart.”
i was dumb enought that i thought grades in high school sortve mattered, so in grade 9 i had this new english teacher and she kept giving me bad grades so i got pissed off and handed in an assignment with dictionary words