

BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
These reporters are clowns leaving out key questions in their story.

What age we talking about?

What physical condition are these hospitalized patients in? Are they obese perhaps?

Wearing masks by the fully vaccinated is not the problem. It is (kung flu) a problem of those who do not wish to be vaccinated.


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Let it go. He lost. He was unpopular for four years.

Probably difficult to discern when you and everyone you know bought a Trumpy Bear.



Well-Known Member
The problem with leftists complaining about america is stuff like this go by state laws.
Certain states in the union do have paid sick leave Ricky, the federal government has no business mandating that.
im well aware of state laws. think its only a few states that have this

The Driver

I drive.
Costs for a Hospital Stay for COVID-19

Almost $74,000.

Seventy-four thousand dollars.

Many of you claim it's none of our business who gets sick and hospitalized and to mind our own business. How many ":censored2:s" who protected themselves and got vaccinated will have to pay for many of these peoples' healthcare with our tax dollars because they thought they were tougher than this contagion?


Inordinately Right
Costs for a Hospital Stay for COVID-19

Almost $74,000.

Seventy-four thousand dollars.

Many of you claim it's none of our business who gets sick and hospitalized and to mind our own business. How many "*s" who protected themselves and got vaccinated will have to pay for many of these people's healthcare with our tax dollars because they thought they were tougher than this contagion?
Using your logic the government should get to mandate what you eat. You radicals are so unamerican it's laughable.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Does that clarify it sufficiently?
Not really.
The fact that you ask this demonstrates your lack of sophisticated understanding of the situation.
Now. Now. I have an understanding. But, the sophisticated award goes to you.
I don't think so
I do.
I'll leave the absolute proclamations based on too little data to people who are in favor of the vaccine.
I'll take that as you won't answer with a yes or no based on your sophisticated knowledge .
. The evidence is bad, though.
Based on my less sophisticated knowledge, the evidence is good and getting better.
Check back with me in 5-7 years, when a rational person would have enough data to know if It's safe and effective enough to get, if you're still with us.
The only thing that's happened to me so far is I wake up at night screaming "China"!
Clearly you have the internet. You should use it to look up stuff that you don't know.
Thanks for the advice. I'll give that a try. I've heard theys a whole gob of stuff on the internets.


Well-Known Member

"Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified."

No need for vaccines any more.
Wasn't that article dismissed? Do you have anything not published by the quacks at FLCCC?



Inordinately Right


I'm a star
Not really.
What else can I help you with?

Now. Now. I have an understanding. But, the sophisticated award goes to you.
So, you understand why you don't understand the things you don't understand? Cool.

What's your evidence that the shot saved anyone at all? I'll wait. There are verifiable cases where administration of Ivermectin actually saved lives.

I'll take that as you won't answer with a yes or no based on your sophisticated knowledge .
Which I'll take to mean you don't understand why I won't answer yes or no, which in turn means you weren't actually able to give informed consent when you got your shots.

Based on my less sophisticated knowledge, the evidence is good and getting better.
I'm glad that you can admit that you are unable to properly evaluate the data, and that your opinion on the data and $4.50 will get you a small coffee and starbucks.

The only thing that's happened to me so far is I wake up at night screaming "China"!
Yes, your individual experience is all the proof I need. Thanks. Are you sure they stored the vaccine properly before administering it? Is there a program that you signed up for where you earn some money for every pro-vaxx post you write? That seems about the only other reason, besides the obvious, I can think of why anyone could possibly still be defending the shot anymore.

Thanks for the advice. I'll give that a try. I've heard theys a whole gob of stuff on the internets.

I enjoy how you think stating that you don't have a tv somehow means you can't possibly be affected by the institutional narrative. You clearly have a way to access the internet, and corporate media is all over the place there.