

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Lol, I mirror the other person's arguments and style.
Lol..No, you don't.
Some people never pick up on it.
I just lack the ability. Maybe some day I'll be smart enough. Until then, I'll just cleave to your every word.
I never said I had inside information.
Yeah, you did.
My sources are out there for anyone to find.
I love it when people reveal that they actually don't understand what I said by misrepresenting my argument.
Again, I'll try harder with the ability I have to understand.
But, for folks to attain the level of perception you have, well, that's just another level.

Netsua 3:16

i was dumb enought that i thought grades in high school sortve mattered
I never said grades didn’t matter. Where did I say that? Studies all over the world show that grades sometimes matter and sometimes don’t; but don’t make ME care about YOUR grades
so in grade 9 i
Are you sure you were in grade 9? Does grade 9 even exist? According the Matrix, grade 9 is the expected age of loss of virginity. Which, I don’t know about you, but I’m still a virgin
had this new english teacher
All English teachers are marxists. There is video evidence of liberal officials at a CRT gathering discussing how to demonize the white man. It’s out there, I love how people are just ignoring that it’s out there.
and she kept giving me bad grades so i got pissed off
Anger is a liberal virtue.
and handed in an assignment with dictionary words
And? Did she appreciate your blustering, supercilious verbiage? I don’t know about you, but that stuff really gets me going. I love how liberals are so dumb

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
i was dumb enought that i thought grades in high school sortve mattered, so in grade 9 i had this new english teacher and she kept giving me bad grades so i got pissed off and handed in an assignment with dictionary words


Well-Known Member
Z-man has rational, logical, well thought out process of analyzing information, before arriving at his conclusion.

You have an emotional, instinctive acceptance of what “experts” offer.

One of you has a stable foundation, the other defends from shifting sand. One of you elicits respect, the other, sympathy.

Kudos to one of you.
Confirmation bias. Most of his posts use dubious sourcing, or debunked studies.


I'm a star
Lol..No, you don't.
Lol. Yes I do.

I just lack the ability. Maybe some day I'll be smart enough. Until then, I'll just cleave to your every word.
I don't care.

Yeah, you did.
Quote me. Lol.


Again, I'll try harder with the ability I have to understand.
But, for folks to attain the level of perception you have, well, that's just another level.
Keep working. You may get there before the shot does you in.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I mirror the other person's arguments and style. I do it to everyone to help show them how they're being perceieved. Some people never pick up on it.

I never said I had inside information. My sources are out there for anyone to find. I love it when people reveal that they actually don't understand what I said by misrepresenting my argument. And, clearly, we'll never prove anything to anyone. That's not the point of arguing. Convincing people is, and I don't do it to convince the person I'm arguing with. I do like to experiment with different styles to see how they work.
You’re sources mainly consist of :bsbullf:
The shyte they’re saying about the unvaxxed is almost exactly the things Germans were saying about jews in the early days of the third Reich. I mean theres not even a single difference in the rhetoric


Inordinately Right
It’s not like they just roll a vaccine out and say “well, we figured it all out. Our work here is done”
The aim is to continue to find better ways to combat the virus
Pretty much every modern vaccine went through several “versions” before max efficiency
Yes the vaccines are experimental.


I'm a star

I assume since I can't reply brownflush has me on ignore. Someone tell him no hard feelings on my end. I know it can be quite jarring to realize that what you thought was real was actually all in your head. That jarring feeling is your brain rewiring itself to align more closely to reality. Been there, lots.