

Inordinately Right
Do you even statistics, brah?
Do you?


Netsua 3:16

Good lord, a year and a half of left wing media bombarding these people with fear porn, they've completely lost their minds.
The reason why you don’t have the vaccine
Is because you are afraid of it.
Because of some right wing media.
I know you’re always full of projection, but damn, that’s some major league projection from the Republican drag Queen herself


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The statistics say I'm not at risk from covid, therefore there's no need to take a risk on a vaccine.

The risk of both is miniscule in my opinion, so I'm not worried about either.
Good for you. You had the Big C
For everyone else, if there is a virus, any virus, breath the droplets, get the bug .
If a vax keeps you from getting sick even if you come in contact with the bug, have at it or don’t. What ever eases one’s mind.
Yearly flu shot. Same choice. (except, the COVID shot , evidently those that decide to take it have less than 5 years to live)
Maybe not for you, but for the average American the risk is not minuscule that they will come in contact with some form of this particular bug. Lots of variables. Personal choice. The problem with that is the majority of Americans are sheep and will do whatever whoever tells them.