

Well-Known Member
And stop with the melodrama about being so afraid. That's just poisoning the well. I'm making rational relative risk assessments.

I ain't skeered of nothin
Millions of people take blood thinners every day to avoid a blood clot. Why are they so afraid if their risk is only .001%


Strength through joy
All those spike proteins inject into your arm, do not stay in your arm.
Millions of them circulate through your blood vessels.
They tend to stick to the walls of your veins, causing one or more blockages.
I believe in a few years there will be a spike in victims with blood clots caused by these experimental drugs.
Except for all those border jumpers , who can refuse the vac.


Well-Known Member
The shot adds an unknown amount of clotting risk for younger people.

Worrying about it more than Covid makes sense, because Covid represents almost no risk for them.
Statistically, 107-130 out of 100,000 people who are vaccinated should die of a blood clot just as the unvaccinated.


Strength through joy
Here's the new by county map for Massachusetts for CoVid.

That little red island is where Obama's party will be.

The Driver

I drive.
simple question… Why did you take a vaccine that Trump (10 million lies) said to take while Biden and Harris (same fact checkers as Trump hasn’t found 1 lie of them) said they wouldn’t Trust a vaccine rushed out by Trump administration?
Buddy, if Trump said the sky was blue I wouldn’t immediately challenge him on it. Everything out of the man’s mouth wasn’t a lie, just a whole :censored2: load was.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
All those spike proteins inject into your arm, do not stay in your arm.
Millions of them circulate through your blood vessels.
They tend to stick to the walls of your veins, causing one or more blockages.
I believe in a few years there will be a spike in victims with blood clots caused by these experimental drugs.
Except for all those border jumpers , who can refuse the vac.

Donald, Tucker and I have all looked into that and decided we’ll be getting the upcoming booster shots!

The Driver

I drive.
All those spike proteins inject into your arm, do not stay in your arm.
Millions of them circulate through your blood vessels.
They tend to stick to the walls of your veins, causing one or more blockages.
I believe in a few years there will be a spike in victims with blood clots caused by these experimental drugs.
Except for all those border jumpers , who can refuse the vac.
What a bunch of bunk. Lol


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Buddy, if Trump said the sky was blue I wouldn’t immediately challenge him on it. Everything out of the man’s mouth wasn’t a lie, just a whole * load was.
Sure would be bad if this vaccine is just one of his 10s of thousands of lies. Now we got Hannity and Tucker pushing it! Bad group of people to be trusting with something going straight into one’s body. Remember Trump thought bleach was good to shoot into one’s body. I’m sure you have repeated that yourself. I would of hoped you would of immediately challenged him on that so why not this?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
If you get the shot, you won’t get COVID. It's not 100%. Around 90%- 95% Pfizer/Moderna
You can spread it, but you won’t get it.
If you don’t get the shot, you might get Covid. Right now 95% of the hospitalizations are the unvaccinated.
You might do really well with it. You might not.
The truth is the only thing that will stop covid is the vaccine. Nothing else will. So, if you are not going to get vaccinated, you will be under threat for the rest of your life. If you're not going to take the shot, that's your position.
You are under threat. And by extension, your friends and family. Because if they're unvaxxed and you get it, you can give it to them.

You might think there’s a Nazi plan behind it.
You might be readying yourself for the civil war in 2 years.
You might believe China and the US have conspired to kill us all.
You might think Trump or Biden devised a money monster with big Pharma.
I might of missed something….Except, I think the lack of clarity coming out of Washington is the reason all the idiotic conspiracy theories are out there.

The Driver

I drive.
If you get the shot, you won’t get COVID. It's not 100%. Around 90%- 95% Pfizer/Moderna
You can spread it, but you won’t get it.
If you don’t get the shot, you might get Covid. Right now 95% of the hospitalizations are the unvaccinated.
You might do really well with it. You might not.
The truth is the only thing that will stop covid is the vaccine. Nothing else will. So, if you are not going to get vaccinated, you will be under threat for the rest of your life. If you're not going to take the shot, that's your position.
You are under threat. And by extension, your friends and family. Because if they're unvaxxed and you get it, you can give it to them.

You might think there’s a Nazi plan behind it.
You might be readying yourself for the civil war in 2 years.
You might believe China and the US have conspired to kill us all.
You might think Trump or Biden devised a money monster with big Pharma.
I might of missed something….Except, I think the lack of clarity coming out of Washington is the reason all the idiotic conspiracy theories are out there.
Look here, kids. Nuance. I know you think it's a gay liberal fantasy, but... nuance.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Sure would be bad if this vaccine is just one of his 10s of thousands of lies. Now we got Hannity and Tucker pushing it! Bad group of people to be trusting with something going straight into one’s body. Remember Trump thought bleach was good to shoot into one’s body. I’m sure you have repeated that yourself. I would of hoped you would of immediately challenged him on that so why not this?
Wear as Trump spoke about the role he thought disinfectants could play in tackling an infection, Biden really did say
Delaware had fires bigger than Delaware and Maryland combined!