

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I said we had pretty much eradicated it without the vaccine. That's true. It was only an occasional, small scale problem by the time the vaccine came out. Historically, we had already gotten rid of the vast majority of it.
I think anyone that could walk around in the fifties would disagree with you.


Well-Known Member
All that’s left to say about coronavirus, is get vaccinated it significantly lowers the risk of getting coronavirus and of dying from coronavirus if you catch it. I think if a lot of people continue to get sick and die or have permanent damage from covid that will push a lot more people to get the vaccine, sadly many more people will die or be damaged by the virus. And also this may hurt our economy.
The FDA needs to approve all the vaccines ASAP to take away that taking point.
We need to send the vaccine to as many nations to get a handle on this thing to stop further outbreaks and death.
republicans have been wrong about covid and the vaccines and have cost the lives of thousands.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Just got word from the drummer in my band that I told all you about that was vaccinated and got COVID He just informed us his wife,that was also vaccinated, now has tested positive for COVID.


nowhere special