

I'm a star
What year was that?

The Polio vaccine did not eradicate polio in the US. True or false?

The vaccine most assuredly helped end polio in the US. But now the vaccine is bringing it back and helping it mutate, which is why I hoped you'd bring up polio. You could have also brought up small pox in Boston, which predicated the Jcaobson case everyone is quoting now. To which I would reply, the small pox vaccine is basically infecting people with cow pox, which shows, again, that natural immunity, even if It's cross immunity, is best. Experimental gene therapy just doesn't have the same history of safety or effectiveness as other vaccines.


Well-Known Member
Democrats say that being fat is healthy and normal, and that it is wrong to body shame people. It's that kind of mass delusion by people on the left that is getting people killed.
Republican voters are always trying invent some imaginary group of people or some imaginary Democratic position to demonize.
The last Democratic First Lady, her whole thing was getting healthy lunches in schools and getting children to exercise. Republicans freaked out and said she was infringing on their freedom by wanting only healthy lunches. Smh.
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Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Weird….. I wonder why they developed and distribute the polio vaccine. Another political conspiracy?
Check out the timeline between vaccine development and public inoculations.

Early polio experimental vaccines were tested on children, resulting in paralysis, and deaths, of some those children.

"In 1935, Brodie tried an inactivated vaccine with 10% formalin suspension of PV taken from infected monkey spinal cord; he tried it first on 20 monkeys, then on 3000 Californian children. The results were poor and additional human studies were never performed. In the same year, Kollmer tried a live attenuated virus consisting of a 4% suspension of PV from infected monkey spinal cord, treated with sodium ricinoleate. He used it on monkeys and then on several thousand children. The acute paralysis occurred in about 1/1000 vaccines shortly after administration and some cases were fatal." History of polio vaccination