

Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!

Another day at Biden's border: Record 800 unaccompanied migrant children are apprehended in 24 hours - almost DOUBLE the average - flights take migrants to Louisiana and 650 test positive at a camp in Texas after crossing the border.​

This administration isn’t even taking this virus seriously. When they start acting like it’s a serious virus more people will also. It’s still not about the virus.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
More great news from the most popular president in history that still hasn’t been found by 1 fact-checked to have told a lie. I present to you in his own great words:
What is indisputable now, is this: The Biden plan is working,' he said. 'The Biden plan produces results and the Biden plan is moving the country forward.'
He stumbled over the number of vaccine doses delivered, however.
'What's the number again? I remind myself,' he said almost to himself, '...350 million Americans have already been vaccinated.'
We have done it! The whole USA has been vaccinated! Plus about 20 million extras since there is only about 330 million people in the USA! So great we can all go about our lives! This thread is officially shut down! Good night all!


Well-Known Member
Check out the timeline between vaccine development and public inoculations.

Early polio experimental vaccines were tested on children, resulting in paralysis, and deaths, of some those children.

"In 1935, Brodie tried an inactivated vaccine with 10% formalin suspension of PV taken from infected monkey spinal cord; he tried it first on 20 monkeys, then on 3000 Californian children. The results were poor and additional human studies were never performed. In the same year, Kollmer tried a live attenuated virus consisting of a 4% suspension of PV from infected monkey spinal cord, treated with sodium ricinoleate. He used it on monkeys and then on several thousand children. The acute paralysis occurred in about 1/1000 vaccines shortly after administration and some cases were fatal." History of polio vaccination
Technology has advanced significantly in the last 85 years. The speed of development and testing, by itself is not an issue. The only real concern, in my mind, is the lack of data on a longer term scale (although most vaccines that have issues show up within 6 months.)

The Driver

I drive.
More great news from the most popular president in history that still hasn’t been found by 1 fact-checked to have told a lie. I present to you in his own great words:
What is indisputable now, is this: The Biden plan is working,' he said. 'The Biden plan produces results and the Biden plan is moving the country forward.'
He stumbled over the number of vaccine doses delivered, however.
'What's the number again? I remind myself,' he said almost to himself, '...350 million Americans have already been vaccinated.'
We have done it! The whole USA has been vaccinated! Plus about 20 million extras since there is only about 330 million people in the USA! So great we can all go about our lives! This thread is officially shut down! Good night all!
Of course Biden has lied while president. It’s in the public record. But go ahead, don’t let me stop you from mischaracterization.