

Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Enough time.

You either have a reaction quickly are you don’t have an adverse reaction. You don’t turn into a mutant goblin.
And you know this how Dr. Demento? It usually takes 5 years for a vaccine to get approved because some side effects take years to show up. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Enough time.

You either have a reaction quickly are you don’t have an adverse reaction. You don’t turn into a mutant goblin.
You do understand that pharmaceutical companies have put many medications on the market, even approved by the FDA, that resulted in serious side effects including death? Why is it that these particular vaccines, which haven't been tested and approved by the FDA and were rushed to market, are beyond reproach in your estimation? Right now in Europe serious concerns about the Moderna vaccine have been raised, and all of these vaccines have seen serious complications.


Well-Known Member
The problem is Ricky lives in nothing short of a complete and utter mental fantasy land.

This is common among teenagers. Even those in their early 20’s. The problem is when you never wake up to the way it is in the real world you end up 35 in your parents basement still going to school. Talking about how the matrix and Star Wars can fix all of our problems. Lol
you talk about waking up to the real world, mental fantasy lands and diss matrix all in the same paragraph lol.

its okay to go to school for something better than UPS or rental cars. i work at a hospital now, im :censored2:ing killing it.

australia has 4 years higher life expectancy than america. america has about 1 year higher life expectancy than thailand....and trust me you dont want to live in thailand.

im assuming you dont know anyone whos worked in australia.


Well-Known Member
You do understand that pharmaceutical companies have put many medications on the market, even approved by the FDA, that resulted in serious side effects including death? Why is it that these particular vaccines, which haven't been tested and approved by the FDA and were rushed to market, are beyond reproach in your estimation? Right now in Europe serious concerns about the Moderna vaccine have been raised, and all of these vaccines have seen serious complications.

Sadly, that literally just changed with the FDA approval. Some sheeple will literally think that makes everything ok that for a process that normally takes 5-7 years of lying with numbers and statistics that having it rushed in under 9 months from political pressure is the way to go.
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Well-Known Member
You do understand that pharmaceutical companies have put many medications on the market, even approved by the FDA, that resulted in serious side effects including death? Why is it that these particular vaccines, which haven't been tested and approved by the FDA and were rushed to market, are beyond reproach in your estimation? Right now in Europe serious concerns about the Moderna vaccine have been raised, and all of these vaccines have seen serious complications.
places i looked up recommend taking teh vaccines.

i agree with what you said about unsafe drugs.


Well-Known Member
All you guys bull*ting about the vaccine when the FDA has given full approval for Pfizer LOL
That just happened. May I ask why is it so important that everyone get vaccinated when doctors repeatedly say that natural immunity from having already had the virus is more protective than vaccines?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
lol ok. Science is about constant scrutiny and questioning a hypothesis. Religion is about accepting by blind faith alone.

Scientists came to the conclusion that these vaccines were safe and effective based on the rigorous application of the scientific method.

Meanwhile those who outright reject the vaccine are in many cases finding that they are reaching out to their Facebook friend groups seeking prayers for bubba whose organs are shutting down in an ICU bed. Blind faith.

Science and religion are polar opposites.
So, does everyone who remains unvaccinated get Covid?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
lol ok. Science is about constant scrutiny and questioning a hypothesis. Religion is about accepting by blind faith alone.

Scientists came to the conclusion that these vaccines were safe and effective based on the rigorous application of the scientific method.

Meanwhile those who outright reject the vaccine are in many cases finding that they are reaching out to their Facebook friend groups seeking prayers for bubba whose organs are shutting down in an ICU bed. Blind faith.

Science and religion are polar opposites.
Is it possible that these scientists, who work for the drug companies, know every possible side effect of the vaccine?
If they do, did they report them to their superiors?
If they did, did those superiors consider what is best for the patient, or since they are absolved of liability, decide to go forward with vaccinating the population? Exorbitant profits have made those decisions in many a Board Room.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Would it be better for everyone and would more people take the shot if they didn't make any money?
It seems the reasoning is, somehow since millions and millions were made, a blind eye had to be turned.
Everyone knows when that much money is to be made, they can't possibly be thinking or care about the safety of the product. smh