

Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Lots of cherries to pick on this huge tree.
😂😂😂 not really! The data is getting out despite your masters trying to suppress it. You’ve been reduced to finding individual stories. You are a sucker! The vaccine is a joke! Have fun getting all your boosters every 6 months! What a fool.😅


Inordinately Right
You said "it's over" weeks ago when I said we would have 1,500 daily deaths a day by October 15.

We're getting close to that already and it's not even September.

It's not over.

You're wrong.

People are dying.

The vast majority are unvaccinated.

They're younger than the earlier waves.

You're wrong.
It's over.
Anyone who wants a vaccine can get one.
You need to find something else to obsess over.


Inordinately Right
Lots of cherries to pick on this huge tree.
Like this?
His parents abused him with food. Yet all you can do is cry about the Chinese Virus. This kid would end up in the hospital if he got the flu too. His parents should be charged.



Well-Known Member
During his press conference yesterday, Dr Scott Harris broke down as he detailed the strain on the health care system in Alabama due to COVID. There are literally no ICU beds left in the state, and there haven't been for over a week. If you need one, you're either left in a makeshift ICU bed in a hallway, or kept in the emergency room, further compounding the problem.

Alabama has the lowest vaccination rate in the country, with just 37.5% of the eligible population fully vaccinated. With schools reopening, more than 5000 students tested positive just last week. Testing shows a 23% positivity rate, one of the highest in the country.


nowhere special
Yea but thats bc the system is rotten.

The jokes r likely all the guys the 2 parties have nominated for decades going back to 1970s likely
The parties don't always choose the best candidate. Often its the one that checks the right boxes and demographics. They seldom ran real nutjobs like Nader.