
PT Stewie

"Big Fella"


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You erroneously equate desired result with effective result.
Is that anything like confirmed and official?
Facts vs. estimates?

You ever taken a shot or pill that you didn't hope or believe its effect would result in the desired result of what you're wanting? lol
Straining on camels and choking on gnats.
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Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
If we are now at the point that they have lowered the bar on these vaccines to the point that we are told the vaccines do not keep a person from getting the virus and we now are told the vaccine doesn‘t stop a person from spreading it but it just lessens the symptoms of the person taking the shot then why the drastic steps of forcing the low bar shots on people? If it’s to keep people out of the hospitals because the hospitals are so overwhelmed by a pandemic then why terminate hospital workers at this very time for not taking a low bar vaccine during a pandemic? Usually during an emergency or pandemic you relax laws to deal with the problem. Almost seems we either do not have a problem or someone is trying to creathe one.


Well-Known Member
If we are now at the point that they have lowered the bar on these vaccines to the point that we are told the vaccines do not keep a person from getting the virus and we now are told the vaccine doesn‘t stop a person from spreading it but it just lessens the symptoms of the person taking the shot then why the drastic steps of forcing the low bar shots on people? If it’s to keep people out of the hospitals because the hospitals are so overwhelmed by a pandemic then why terminate hospital workers at this very time for not taking a low bar vaccine during a pandemic? Usually during an emergency or pandemic you relax laws to deal with the problem. Almost seems we either do not have a problem or someone is trying to creathe one.
No matter how stupid it all sounds it comes down to them trying to make us comply because they're the boss and they say so. If you've ever had a boss make a stupid decision and double down on it rather than admit he's wrong then that's this on a grander scale.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
No matter how stupid it all sounds it comes down to them trying to make us comply because they're the boss and they say so. If you've ever had a boss make a stupid decision and double down on it rather than admit he's wrong then that's this on a grander scale.
I perfectly understand the ones on the top doing what they are doing. They have an agenda and they don’t live by the rules they put in place anyway. I just can’t understand the people that have fell for this and now have heard and seen all the back tracking and the vaccine going from it will “protect you” to it will keep you from “spreading“ the virus to it will make your “symptoms less” but yet they still need to terminate people if they don’t comply. Then these people that just follow along are a mouth piece doubling down on it instead of saying “You fed me a line of :censored2: