

Well-Known Member
I'm not talking about what will or won't be. I am talking about what people are actively trying to do. We can hope they will just fail in their own (possible), or we can stay asleep and let others stand up to it, or we can all stay vigilant and put a stop to it through active resistance.
People can and have been coming up with conspiracies forever. Focus on what's actually happening, not speculate on what might happen. For example, if you believe Hillary is running a child porn ring out of a Philadelphia pizza parlor you might show up determined to put a stop to it and end up arrested and looking rather foolish. However because it's actually happening we should try to stop the election of any district attorney who's campaign is funded by George Soros after quite a few have gotten elected and immediately set about ignoring laws and letting criminals out with no bail or not even willing to press charges for many crimes. I'm not saying there aren't bad actors in the world and some are driven by hunger for power and would greatly change life as we know it if given the opportunity. But we also need to consider Constitutional safeguards as well as the logistics of pulling off such things in a country like the U.S. I can rest easy at night knowing it's highly unlikely the Supreme Court will be stacked or new States will be added in an attempt to get one party rule. We have enough on our plate worrying more about the insidiousness of indoctrinating students from kindergarten through college in an effort to eventually vote in a totally different economic system. The Democrats showed their hand too soon with their latest attempts to ram through huge spending measures. The money printing has resulted in high inflation and also their ineptitude at governing has opened a lot of eyes and turned the tide for now. I think it was Ronald Reagan who said we are just one generation away from losing our freedom. If we don't turn our economy into one where anyone willing to work can have a decent life then eventually we will be facing an upheaval unlike anything since the Civil War. So what's it going to be? Work towards a better society, or just kill everyone who disagrees with your view? Seems to me you're wanting things like concentration camps to be true so that the killing can commence. I'm just as concerned about people with your mindset as I am the radicals who want to reorder everything into a Leftist paradise. Can we just have a few centuries of normalcy please?


Well-Known Member
Like Artificial Intelligence eliminating everyone’s jobs?
Like artificial intelligence and robotics eliminating up to half of current jobs by 2050. Look at kiosks in fast foot restaurants. Look at robots in factories doing what a lot of people used to do. Look at GPS on tractors plowing fields instead of drivers. Look at the ongoing attempt to perfect driverless semi's. Look at A.I. becoming intelligent enough to do surgeries or handle accounting. These aren't conspiracies whispered in chat rooms but stated goals that are being worked on openly by corporations and universities. Are you under the impression they're creating these things to eliminate millions of jobs because they have some new kind of work in mind that we'll all be doing? Boggles my mind that the idiots in Washington are letting millions pour over our border at the same time that there's a widespread effort to eliminate millions of jobs. Focus on what's actually happening, not on what might happen.


Well-Known Member
I'm just as concerned about people with your mindset as I am the radicals who want to reorder everything into a Leftist paradise.
I very much share that concern as well. However, here is something to consider:

It took sixty years of leftists running amok in this nation to get where we are today. At first, and from time to time, they did alot of good. Those days are long over, and now it is a monster. They are very near to making anyone of a certain demographic and/or right of center into second-class citizens who's lives can be destroyed with impunity.

I believe that if/when the right regains power they will keep it by force. There will be alot of settling of "unfinished business", reckoning and payback. I will be thoroughly enjoying what unfolds with a big bucket of movie theater popcorn. That is, until the day if/when that people like me are considered a part of the problem.

Do you want to be on the side who's narrative wants your demographic dead now? Or on the side who may or may not become something that despises your demographic fifty years from now? I really don't think there are any other choices available. And choosing neither will be the worst choice of all.

On both sides, there are simply no spaces available anywhere anymore for sane, kind, thoughtful, reasonable people.


I'm a star
People can and have been coming up with conspiracies forever. Focus on what's actually happening, not speculate on what might happen.
In my post, I tell you I am not talking about what will or won't happen, but what people are actually trying to do, and this is your response.

For example, if you believe Hillary is running a child porn ring out of a Philadelphia pizza parlor you might show up determined to put a stop to it and end up arrested and looking rather foolish. However because it's actually happening we should try to stop the election of any district attorney who's campaign is funded by George Soros after quite a few have gotten elected and immediately set about ignoring laws and letting criminals out with no bail or not even willing to press charges for many crimes. I'm not saying there aren't bad actors in the world and some are driven by hunger for power and would greatly change life as we know it if given the opportunity. But we also need to consider Constitutional safeguards as well as the logistics of pulling off such things in a country like the U.S. I can rest easy at night knowing it's highly unlikely the Supreme Court will be stacked or new States will be added in an attempt to get one party rule.

Then you ramble on about this other stuff that has nothing to do with what I said.

We have enough on our plate worrying more about the insidiousness of indoctrinating students from kindergarten through college in an effort to eventually vote in a totally different economic system. The Democrats showed their hand too soon with their latest attempts to ram through huge spending measures. The money printing has resulted in high inflation and also their ineptitude at governing has opened a lot of eyes and turned the tide for now. I think it was Ronald Reagan who said we are just one generation away from losing our freedom. If we don't turn our economy into one where anyone willing to work can have a decent life then eventually we will be facing an upheaval unlike anything since the Civil War. So what's it going to be? Work towards a better society, or just kill everyone who disagrees with your view?
What the actual hell are you even talking about?

Seems to me you're wanting things like concentration camps to be true so that the killing can commence.

Yes, it seems to you because you are projecting. You're the one who started with the violent "sniper in the bell tower" rhetoric, then you try to make it sound like that was my idea. You're nutty.

I'm just as concerned about people with your mindset as I am the radicals who want to reorder everything into a Leftist paradise.
The people with your imaginary version of what my mindset is? Find someone you trust, have them read through our conversation, and then have them explain to you where you went off the rails. Everytime I write something, you load it down with your personal baggage. You are only saying things that apply to you, and the bizzare things you are reading into what I am writing.

Can we just have a few centuries of normalcy please?

What is that even supposed to mean? Do you plan to live a few centuries to experience this normalcy, whatever that means? Do you read what you post before you post it? Maybe see a neurologist, those amoebas may have gotten to your brain.

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I'm a star
I very much share that concern as well. However, here is something to consider:

It took sixty years of leftists running amok in this nation to get where we are today. At first, and from time to time, they did alot of good. Those days are long over, and now it is a monster. They are very near to making anyone of a certain demographic and/or right of center into second-class citizens who's lives can be destroyed with impunity.

I believe that if/when the right regains power they will keep it by force. There will be alot of settling of "unfinished business", reckoning and payback. I will be thoroughly enjoying what unfolds with a big bucket of movie theater popcorn. That is, until the day if/when that people like me are considered a part of the problem.

Do you want to be on the side who's narrative wants your demographic dead now? Or on the side who may or may not become something that despises your demographic fifty years from now? I really don't think there are any other choices available. And choosing neither will be the worst choice of all.

On both sides, there are simply no spaces available anywhere anymore for sane, kind, thoughtful, reasonable people.

I mostly agree, but the leftists didn't do a lot of good. They agitated people by exploiting their enviousness and greed, and offered solutions to their make-believe problems. Every step of the way they made people's lives worse, and every step of the way they blamed everyone who tried to resist them.

And I disagree with the last part. The sane, reasonable people may be getting backed into a corner where they might have to respond with violence, but we are trying everything in our power to avoid that. Because we know what suffering the violence will cause. But good ole vanny boy thinks we're just looking for violence, he's so convinced he sees it everywhere. He's living in an alternate universe called unjustified blissfulness, where he doesn't have to actually do anything, and everything will just magically work itself out. All while smearing the people who are actually taking steps to fix the problems. Once we do, he'll still think things just worked out on their own, or if we fail, he won't believe that the cattle car ride will actually end at the ovens.


Well-Known Member
In my post, I tell you I am not talking about what will or won't happen, but what people are actually trying to do, and this is your response.

Then you ramble on about this other stuff that has nothing to do with what I said.

What the actual hell are you even talking about?

Yes, it seems to you because you are projecting. You're the one who started with the violent "sniper in the bell tower" rhetoric, then you try to make it sound like that was my idea. You're nutty.

The people with your imaginary version of what my mindset is? Find someone you trust, have them read through our conversation, and then have them explain to you where you went off the rails. Everytime I write something, you load it down with your personal baggage. You are only saying things that apply to you, and the bizzare things you are reading into what I am writing.

What is that even supposed to mean? Do you plan to live a few centuries to experience this normalcy, whatever that means? Do you read what you post before you post it? Maybe see a neurologist, those amoebas may have gotten to your brain.

You're the one who went down the rabbit hole claiming not only are they building concentration camps in Oregon and Washington but suggested that they had no intention to house and feed the people brought there. And you were the one who categorized me as asleep and not willing to fight before I said anything about high powered rifles, etc. You're interested in spreading conspiracy theories, I'm wanting to stick to what's really happening, not theory. You have extremist views that appear a bit fueled by paranoia. I don't think that's good for the country, but that's me.


Well-Known Member
I mostly agree, but the leftists didn't do a lot of good. They agitated people by exploiting their enviousness and greed, and offered solutions to their make-believe problems. Every step of the way they made people's lives worse, and every step of the way they blamed everyone who tried to resist them.

And I disagree with the last part. The sane, reasonable people may be getting backed into a corner where they might have to respond with violence, but we are trying everything in our power to avoid that. Because we know what suffering the violence will cause. But good ole vanny boy thinks we're just looking for violence, he's so convinced he sees it everywhere. He's living in an alternate universe called unjustified blissfulness, where he doesn't have to actually do anything, and everything will just magically work itself out. All while smearing the people who are actually taking steps to fix the problems. Once we do, he'll still think things just worked out on their own, or if we fail, he won't believe that the cattle car ride will actually end at the ovens.
What steps are you taking to fix the problems? Alerting the world that concentration camps are being built?


Well-Known Member
No. And good day to you sir. I said, GOOD DAY!
what happened is everyone wanted to be passive consumers of information. they thought if they worked a job and bought things they were doing all they were supposed to. but they were wrong and now we have 2 crises.


Well-Known Member


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Oxfam International

SHOCKING: 13 million+ people & 100 governments back a patent waiver to help end the pandemic but a few rich countries have blocked it for over a year. Share if you agree there should be no patent on saving lives. Demand a #PeoplesVaccine
Demand a #PeoplesVaccine now
There should be no patent on saving lives - but for COVID-19 vaccines, there is. Join over 13 million people around the world in demanding a patent waiver for a #PeoplesVaccine
Useless medicine

El Correcto

god is dead
i don’t get how they continually scare people with a virus we have all had and gotten over. I’m not scared of catching covid again. I haven’t been afraid literally this entire time. People are such pusillanimous.


I'm a star
You're the one who went down the rabbit hole claiming not only are they building concentration camps in Oregon and Washington but suggested that they had no intention to house and feed the people brought there. And you were the one who categorized me as asleep and not willing to fight before I said anything about high powered rifles, etc. You're interested in spreading conspiracy theories, I'm wanting to stick to what's really happening, not theory. You have extremist views that appear a bit fueled by paranoia. I don't think that's good for the country, but that's me.

You keep claiming that concentration camps can't happen in America when they already have. You acknowledge that the schools have been infiltrated and turned into indoctrination centers, but concentration camps are just a step too far. What have already been built, "covid camps", way too late to ever do any good, are just the beggining, and they must be resisted now, not in ten years when they have been normalized, and when they've built the ovens. Your generation and the one before you was asleep at the wheel on schools, now you're employing the same tactics of denial and inaction for concentration camps as you did for schools. Leaving those of us who it affects to fight a multifront battle against the ongoing efforts to enslave us. I'm not paranoid, you're self-servingly naive.


Well-Known Member
i don’t get how they continually scare people with a virus we have all had and gotten over. I’m not scared of catching covid again. I haven’t been afraid literally this entire time. People are such pusillanimous.
im worried about mutations into something more deadly.

rickyb was right warning about pandemics last 5 years.


I'm a star
What steps are you taking to fix the problems? Alerting the world that concentration camps are being built?

Dude, you have no idea. This is why I haven't been as active on here as regularly as I used to. We've been fighting the schools, I've been coordinating with efforts in my state to legally battle the totalitarianists. I've had to help a member of my family deal with being attacked by a mask Nazi, then getting cited by the police for harassment, after they viewed the video that confirmed my relative's version of events. Now he has to pay $5000 in attorney's fees to beat what would amount to a $300 fine and anger management courses, when he was the victim. I have been vetting organizations that I want to financially support to make sure they aren't running a grift, and donating to ones that appear legit. All that while attending to my duties as a Father, husband, son, employee, law-abiding citizen, and trying to build a company that will address both energy and material needs. What are you doing? I mean besides casting aspersions on people who have been correctly calling out the pandemic nonsense since the beginning.


I'm a star
my fasha even getting radicalized he ripped down anti vacc pamphlet at the park

I don't particularly care if you mistakenly believe these gene therapy shots are actually vaccines, or if they are actually doing good. As long as we can agree that no one should be forced to inject something into their bodies they don't want, we're good.


Well-Known Member
You keep claiming that concentration camps can't happen in America when they already have. You acknowledge that the schools have been infiltrated and turned into indoctrination centers, but concentration camps are just a step too far. What have already been built, "covid camps", way too late to ever do any good, are just the beggining, and they must be resisted now, not in ten years when they have been normalized, and when they've built the ovens. Your generation and the one before you was asleep at the wheel on schools, now you're employing the same tactics of denial and inaction for concentration camps as you did for schools. Leaving those of us who it affects to fight a multifront battle against the ongoing efforts to enslave us. I'm not paranoid, you're self-servingly naive.
"There's something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear..."