"afterall, greed is good" - wall street
Paul Jay
And I just have to say, and you’ve said it, and I’ve said it, but I’m going to say it again. They’re risking apocalypse for the sake of making money. That’s the most insane thing of it all. Although, there’s a crazy rationality to it.Larry Wilkerson
There is if you’re one of these short-term dudes who is a billionaire and just sucking down the good life every minute of every hour and have no vision for the future at all and don’t give a damn about grandchildren—the future of our posterity. One of the things that just stuns me, Paul, is how far we’ve come from people who are willing to risk their lives, fortune, and sacred honour. Now we don’t even think about our posterity. It’s not even in our thoughts. COVID has proven it to me. COVID has proven it to me. No one cares about other people anymore.@Baba gounj

Ukraine: Russian Crimes, American Hypocrisy - Wilkerson and Jay
The billionaires of the U.S., Russia and Ukraine are all willing to sacrifice the sons and daughters of working families in wars for profit and hegemony. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson joins Paul Jay on…