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0 evidence of that. Anyone who dies now “with” Covid vaccine, is a vaccine death. Just like they tried counting Covid deaths “with” Covid… know, the car accidents, falling off a roof etc, if you had Covid, it was a Covid death. These are vaccine deaths now.
Says you?


Well-Known Member
OK but which of those were rushed to market without lengthy trials and kept on the market after large numbers of adverse reactions including deaths were reported? Which were mandated by government requiring loss of job if you refused to take it?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
OK but which of those were rushed to market without lengthy trials and kept on the market after large numbers of adverse reactions including deaths were reported?
LARGE number of adverse reactions. LARGE number of deaths. Both reactions and death numbers are subjective . When compared to the number of people that were vaxed, the LARGE number doesn't even rate as minimal.. actually laughable.
Lions and tigers and bears...It's kept on the market..Oh My.
Research on the type of vax it is actually began in 1990. Aids was the big motivator. It's not 1950 polio days. I think there might be ways to get those "trials" done. Those computer things and technology, especially focused in on the type of vax that was given in the last 10 years.
Which were mandated by government requiring loss of job if you refused to take it?
The mandate is not a reflection of the vax. It is a reflection of the government.
For the love of God , stop making the vax political.
Let's not forget those scary mandates that kids need to get in public schools.
Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!
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Well-Known Member
LARGE number of adverse reactions. LARGE number of deaths. Both reactions and death numbers are subjective . When compared to the number of people that were vaxed, the LARGE number doesn't even rate as minimal.. actually laughable.
Lions and tigers and bears...It's kept on the market..Oh My.
Research on the type of vax it is actually began in 1990. Aids was the big motivator. It's not 1950 polio days. I think there might be ways to get those "trials" done. Those computer things and technology, especially focused in on the type of vax that was given in the last 10 years.

The mandate is not a reflection of the vax. It is a reflection of the government.
For the love of God , stop making the vax political.
Let's not forget those scary mandates that kids need to get in public schools.
Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!
Standard operating procedure is to pull vaccines quickly after deaths from them are reported. The VAERS website maintained by the CDC is doctors reporting adverse reactions, not cranks with an axe to grind. Right now we're seeing a rise in excess deaths around the world and the common denominator is Covid vaccination. I'm not indulging in conspiracy theories, just passing along what's going on. The vaccines you listed are very different from the mRNA technology used in the major Covid vaccines. Something to be concerned about.


Well-Known Member
Standard operating procedure is to pull vaccines quickly after deaths from them are reported. The VAERS website maintained by the CDC is doctors reporting adverse reactions, not cranks with an axe to grind. Right now we're seeing a rise in excess deaths around the world and the common denominator is Covid vaccination. I'm not indulging in conspiracy theories, just passing along what's going on. The vaccines you listed are very different from the mRNA technology used in the major Covid vaccines. Something to be concerned about.
You’re correct and I’m not sure why you need to even talk about “conspiracy theory” when we know the media was blatantly and purposely covering up truth about the vaccine. That’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a “conspiracy fact”. Having said all that I’m still for people doing it if that’s what they want to do as long as they have actual informed consent.


Well-Known Member
You’re correct and I’m not sure why you need to even talk about “conspiracy theory” when we know the media was blatantly and purposely covering up truth about the vaccine. That’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a “conspiracy fact”. Having said all that I’m still for people doing it if that’s what they want to do as long as they have actual informed consent.
The conspiracy theories float around the motives behind the vaccines and can be pretty extreme. I just want to point out that there's something going on. And I agree if people think it will protect them and want to get vaccinated that's their right. But it seems some don't want to hear anything negative about what they chose to do. It's not their fault if they got bad information and assurances from people who are assumed to be the most informed. But it does seem some will deny the people in charge got it wrong if that means admitting they made a mistake taking it. I didn't take a mRNA vaccine but now wish I hadn't taken the Johnson and Johnson either. But the problem seems to be lying with young, healthy adults dropping dead who got either the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccines along with any other mRNA vaccines.


Well-Known Member
The conspiracy theories float around the motives behind the vaccines and can be pretty extreme. I just want to point out that there's something going on. And I agree if people think it will protect them and want to get vaccinated that's their right. But it seems some don't want to hear anything negative about what they chose to do. It's not their fault if they got bad information and assurances from people who are assumed to be the most informed. But it does seem some will deny the people in charge got it wrong if that means admitting they made a mistake taking it. I didn't take a mRNA vaccine but now wish I hadn't taken the Johnson and Johnson either. But the problem seems to be lying with young, healthy adults dropping dead who got either the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccines along with any other mRNA vaccines.
I don’t give my opinion on those “extreme” motives, because they are arbitrary and not completely provable.
I do, however, have an intellectual issue with the idea these vaccines were exactly what they were promised to be. I cannot for the life of me understand why people allow the government and a multi billion dollar pharmaceutical company to promised them something that they knew for a fact was not possible and backpedaled for the last two years since they released the vaccine.
People can say what they want, but this vaccine is a failure compared to what they said it would be. We are three years deep into this supposed pandemic, and the only thing that has improved with guaranteed regularity is the pharmaceutical companies, profits, and their ability to avoid any litigation. why do they get to avoid any scrutiny or accountability?

As I was watching TV last night, the Covid vaccine commercial came on its one of the only pharmaceutical drugs, I’ve seen where there’s not a fast talking lawyer at the end talking about possible side effects. Why?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You’re correct and I’m not sure why you need to even talk about “conspiracy theory” when we know the media was blatantly and purposely covering up truth about the vaccine. That’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a “conspiracy fact”. Having said all that I’m still for people doing it if that’s what they want to do as long as they have actual informed consent.
The media knew what "truth"about the vax we don't?
Was the media and the government in on the "truth" together about the vax with the secret hidden agenda?
I just want to point out that there's something going on.
Not into conspiracies? But, you just know something is going on?
Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!


Well-Known Member
The media knew what "truth"about the vax we don't?
Was the media and the government in on the "truth" together about the vax with the secret hidden agenda?

Not into conspiracies? But, you just know something is going on?
Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!
You’re confusing two different things. You cannot possibly know what the actual truth is when they’re trying to hide it from you purposely. If you know the truth, and you want to take it, go for it no problem that’s not what happened in the last two years


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You’re confusing two different things. You cannot possibly know what the actual truth is when they’re trying to hide it from you purposely. If you know the truth, and you want to take it, go for it no problem that’s not what happened in the last two years
Please answer.
The media knew what "truth"about the vax we don't?
Was the media and the government in on the "truth" together about the vax with the secret hidden agenda?


Well-Known Member
Everybody is in on it ,man!
Did you read the Twitter files? A lot of people get their information this way. Maybe you don’t, maybe I don’t but many people do and many were bullied mis lead, even coerced. very difficult to make an informed decision when you are being purposely, misled or outright lied to about the effectiveness of a medicine or drug.


Well-Known Member
It is.
The numbers and stats show that.
But wait, those stats people are in on it, too! Holy hell!
It’s 98% effective at what?

Do you recall when people first started getting Covid after they were vaccinated? Those were just breakthroughs? Lol no they weren’t breakthroughs. They were exactly what happens to everyone. It doesn’t stop the virus at all.

Holy hell


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
It’s 98% effective at what?

Do you recall when people first started getting Covid after they were vaccinated? Those were just breakthroughs? Lol no they weren’t breakthroughs. They were exactly what happens to everyone. It doesn’t stop the virus at all.

Holy hell
Please answer
The media knew what "truth"about the vax we don't?
Was the media and the government in on the "truth" together about the vax with the secret hidden agenda?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I did answer, reading comprehension, my friend
No you didn't .
You just threw out more blow
You’re confusing two different things. You cannot possibly know what the actual truth is when they’re trying to hide it from you purposely. If you know the truth, and you want to take it, go for it no problem that’s not what happened in the last two years
We can't know the truth! Holy Hell!