

Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
The Energy Department had an undecided stance on the virus' origins. The conclusion is due to new intelligence, but the department hedged itself by indicating "low confidence" in its latest opinion, according to people who have read the classified report.
“low confidence”.

You know what that means, don’t you?


Well-Known Member
“low confidence”.

You know what that means, don’t you?
Yes, that means they don’t know. Pretty big shift from their previous position. Do you know what that means?



Well-Known Member
Did the vax save lives? Yes or no?
I'm sure it did. I'm on record here saying the elderly should take it. There was no data that supported giving it to young adults and children. And now we have excess deaths including otherwise healthy adults dropping dead. Whether that's the fault of the vaccines remains to be seen. But there's a higher rate of death than pre-Covid which aren't Covid related.


Well-Known Member
So the government admitted today that the Covid virus did originate in the Wuhan lab. This after years of liberals calling Trump and other conservatives racist and xenophobic for saying they believed it originated in that laboratory. People here sneering at Trump for saying it and us for believing him. Why is it that liberals are always on the wrong side of these arguments? People here and elsewhere were very quick to blame Trump for the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment. Pete Buttigieg made that claim the other day. Well guess what? The Washington Post fact checked that and said Trump wasn't responsible for the deregulation Buttigieg claimed. Don't get me started on Russian collusion. What gets me is the smugness, the arrogance, the condescension towards conservatives by those who think they know better. And when proven wrong they just ignore the facts and move on, occasionally bringing up past wrong positions saying they think if truth be known they were still right. Never ends. America's governance is in critical condition because those who think they know better push things that shouldn't even be an issue. What a country.


Well-Known Member
So the government admitted today that the Covid virus did originate in the Wuhan lab. This after years of liberals calling Trump and other conservatives racist and xenophobic for saying they believed it originated in that laboratory. People here sneering at Trump for saying it and us for believing him. Why is it that liberals always on the wrong side of these arguments? People here and elsewhere were very quick to blame Trump for the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment. Pete Buttigieg made that claim the other day. Well guess what? The Washington Post fact checked that and said Trump wasn't responsible for the deregulation Buttigieg claimed. Don't get me started on Russian collusion. What gets me is the smugness, the arrogance, the condescension towards conservatives by those who think they know better. And when proven wrong they just ignore the facts and move on, occasionally bringing up past wrong positions saying they think if truth be known they were still right. Never ends. America's governance is in critical condition because those who think they know better push things that shouldn't even be an issue. What a country.
That’s impossible @Jiangshi said it’s Russian disinformation, racist, misinformation and Qanon conspiracy. I apologize if I missed something.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Even heard Levine talking about it tonight.

He was also questioning why the federal government was pushing the vaccine so hard and manipulating data. And he’s very pro vaccine.
All the suckers that rushed to get the useless “vaccine” will now live in fear for the rest of their lives. No shot, no covid. Sorry covidians.
still pure.
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Well-Known Member
No, ask him. He said they are the same virus but deaths for them are counted differently.
I get what you’re saying, but after all the lies, I can say they’re the same virus. But to be more precise, it is a flu like virus. Go explain the symptoms to someone and you will tell them it’s like the flu, or now you would say you had a cold. So I could say flu, cold, and Covid are all the same virus, from the same lab. 😀