

Well-Known Member
Prior to this had you also not gotten vaccinations for tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, polio and other things?
And? Doesn’t signify anything except what we already know was an overreaction by governments. Thanks for the paid 10 days helped me get my fence stained after I got over the most deadly virus in history in about four days. 😂


Well-Known Member
And? Doesn’t signify anything except what we already know was an overreaction by governments. Thanks for the paid 10 days helped me get my fence stained after I got over the most deadly virus in history in about four days. 😂

It wasn’t the deadliest because a vaccine was developed and other modern measures were taken. By most counts COVID-19 was 4th or 5th on the list.

Or we could have done nothing and been number one.


Well-Known Member
It wasn’t the deadliest because a vaccine was developed and other modern measures. By most counts COVID-19 was 4th or 5th on the list.
You keep the dream alive. Weird I didn’t even have the option for any vaccine. I just snuck by with the other 99.8% of the population who survived before the vaccine. 😂. Your master Trump, thanks you for agreeing with him, couldn’t have happened without him bullying federal agencies.


Well-Known Member
I get what you’re saying, but after all the lies, I can say they’re the same virus. But to be more precise, it is a flu like virus. Go explain the symptoms to someone and you will tell them it’s like the flu, or now you would say you had a cold. So I could say flu, cold, and Covid are all the same virus, from the same lab. 😀
Covid is a corona virus. Flu is an influenza virus. They are both contagious respiratory illnesses but different kinds of viruses. I've seen people say Covid is just the flu but that's incorrect. On average a corona virus is more deadly but fortunately it's not as common in nature as influenza. This was a lab manipulated virus and the Chinese should pay dearly for it.


nowhere special
Covid is a corona virus. Flu is an influenza virus. They are both contagious respiratory illnesses but different kinds of viruses. I've seen people say Covid is just the flu but that's incorrect. On average a corona virus is more deadly but fortunately it's not as common in nature as influenza. This was a lab manipulated virus and the Chinese should pay dearly for it.
Not really true. A lot of colds are caused by corona viruses and hardly deadly.

Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives


Well-Known Member
Not really true. A lot of colds are caused by corona viruses and hardly deadly.
And some flu viruses are more severe than others causing more deaths. But what's important to remember is this was a lab manipulated virus that the Chinese intentionally spread. They allowed their infected citizens to travel internationally while not allowing them to travel domestically. They knew damn well what they were doing. For those who keep claiming it was no big deal it was a very big deal to those already weakened by old age and physical ailments. And certainly some deaths were attributed to it that shouldn't have been. It exposed the willingness of some to overreach with power grabs. Alarming but informative. And it showed who was willing to stand up for freedom and who wasn't. But the single biggest thing to come out of it was in the rush to allay fear and panic, and to capitalize on it monetarily, most of the population was convinced to be immunized with a new type vaccine that had not gone through the lengthy trials that normally take place to insure safety and efficacy. There is no legitimate comparison to past vaccines. Vaccines for polio, measles, smallpox, etc have been proven to be safe and effective. We know for a fact now that the Covid vaccines, in spite of initial claims, do not prevent infection or transmission. They may reduce the severity, but people have still died after being vaccinated. And their side effects have been deadly for some. As well as have interfered with the menstrual cycles of many young women. And many people who claimed early on that others were nuts for not taking it still refuse to believe there is any connection to what is happening around the world with side effects. So in the end it was exposed that governments are willing to both introduce these things into populations and take advantage of them to grab power, and a large percentage of populations are willing out of fear to grasp on to anything told to them by their government and attack those who aren't. I shall now drop the microphone.


Well-Known Member
Not really true. A lot of colds are caused by corona viruses and hardly deadly.

Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives
You are correct and I misspoke. But this corona virus, manipulated in a lab, was deadly. And other corona viruses in the past have proven deadly but were short lived. SARS for example.


Well-Known Member
- The FBI has "moderate confidence" that the virus came from a lab
- The Depart. of Energy has "low confidence" that that it came from a lab.
- The CDC does not support the lab leak theory
- The WHO does not support the lab leak theory
- The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease does not support the lab leak theory
- The Intelligence Community assessed that the virus was not genetically engineered in 10/2021
- The National Intelligence Council believe with "low confidence" that the virus was transmitted naturally through animals rather than a lab incident

So the only two agencies that have moderate or low confidence in the lab leak theory are the FBI and the DoE (respectively).

So yeah, definitely a lab leak orchestrated by Fauci.


Well-Known Member
- The FBI has "moderate confidence" that the virus came from a lab
- The Depart. of Energy has "low confidence" that that it came from a lab.
- The CDC does not support the lab leak theory
- The WHO does not support the lab leak theory
- The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease does not support the lab leak theory
- The Intelligence Community assessed that the virus was not genetically engineered in 10/2021
- The National Intelligence Council believe with "low confidence" that the virus was transmitted naturally through animals rather than a lab incident

So the only two agencies that have moderate or low confidence in the lab leak theory are the FBI and the DoE (respectively).

So yeah, definitely a lab leak orchestrated by Fauci.
Yeah, the science is settled, right?


Well-Known Member
Let's put Fauci up against the wall and execute him by firing squad, right?
I think you’re the only one talking about Fauci. Which is not shocking, as you have to use some sort of nonsensical fake reality to explain why you believed something that was never properly investigated to explain why you believed it was settled to begin with.


Well-Known Member
I think you’re the only one talking about Fauci. Which is not shocking, as you have to use some sort of nonsensical fake reality to explain why you believed something that was never properly investigated to explain why you believed it was settled to begin with.

Yup, I'm just making stuff up.



Well-Known Member
Yup, I'm just making stuff up.

Let’s just say those websites are less than credible. But thank you for displaying where you usually search.


Well-Known Member
Yup, I'm just making stuff up.

@newolddude M.O. …….. find the most Ludacris claim, and story and posted as fact as long as it’s only the most ludicrous story that fits his narrative.

Now let’s get back to the lab leak.. remember when you thought it was the Wuhan wet market that caused the virus? L O L settled science, right? I wonder how many other settled sciences could be questionable as well? If you take the scientific route, it would be everything since there is no such thing as settled science.


Well-Known Member
Google and Duck Duck Go searches.

But sure, if those sites are lying and those people never said those things, then I apologize.
Lying about what people say crazy things? And new sites sensationalize it? Would you like me to search crazy things Democrats say? Of course, you would have an excuse for them.