

Well-Known Member
I have called trump’s China travel ban a failure. Tell me how can your travel ban stop the virus when 430,000 and counting came in from China? What was trump doing by saying we had 15 people and soon it’ll be zero, when he knew at that moment hundreds of thousands of people and counting were continuing to come from China? Why was he pretending his China travel ban would stop the spread of this virus? What are his fans defending? The China travel ban like I repeatedly posted was an utter failure. What was trump doing for 2months while this virus was spreading across the nation unabated, oh he was being fact free and lying about it.


Well-Known Member
trump’s China travel ban allowed in 430,000 people from China. Smh. So what else is left to defend? Like his failure is utterly complete. The one thing that trump fans could pretend he did correctly allowed 430,000 people in from China after it was in place. Really really incompetent.

source? or are you just reading talking points

I'll give you a clue .. ready... most of the 430000 arrived here before the travel ban. 40000 after the ban many or most of those being returning americans
I have called trump’s China travel ban a failure. Tell me how can your travel ban stop the virus when 430,000 and counting came in from China? What was trump doing by saying we had 15 people and soon it’ll be zero, when he knew at that moment hundreds of thousands of people and counting were continuing to come from China? Why was he pretending his China travel ban would stop the spread of this virus? What are his fans defending? The China travel ban like I repeatedly posted was an utter failure. What was trump doing for 2months while this virus was spreading across the nation unabated, oh he was being fact free and lying about it.
Actually it has been referred to as a travel band-aid.


Well-Known Member
how about all the governors that refused to quarantine their people and just let this stuff spread like wildfire how about them people?
Maybe they were listening trump and trump fans lying and saying coronavirus was an overblown thing used to hurt the president. Like how can trump fans fix their mouths to criticize anyone else’s response when trump utterly failed to respond to the virus, and trump and they downplayed this virus for months. Maybe people believed trump and his fans lies and that’s why they didn’t act.


Well-Known Member
I have called trump’s China travel ban a failure. Tell me how can your travel ban stop the virus when 430,000 and counting came in from China? What was trump doing by saying we had 15 people and soon it’ll be zero, when he knew at that moment hundreds of thousands of people and counting were continuing to come from China? Why was he pretending his China travel ban would stop the spread of this virus? What are his fans defending? The China travel ban like I repeatedly posted was an utter failure. What was trump doing for 2months while this virus was spreading across the nation unabated, oh he was being fact free and lying about it.

again you're wrong. I think you have both feet in your mouth now. I eagerly await your moon walk
source? or are you just reading talking points

I'll give you a clue .. ready... most of the 430000 arrived here before the travel ban. 40000 after the ban many or most of those being returning americans
As Azar explained when he announced the travel restrictions on Jan. 31, the policy prohibits non-U.S. citizens, other than the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, who have traveled to China within the last two weeks from entering the U.S.


I'm a star
trump fans can’t pretend to care about facts, you support fact free trump, like the president gets to be very inaccurate to the point of lying and you still Think he should be president, but an anonymous internet person you are gonna want to get the facts straight. Apply that standard to trump or it doesn’t matter. Right now trump fans are lying saying no one took the threat of the virus seriously after for the last two months saying the media and democrats were trying to take down trump with the coronavirus hoax. trump fans can take that level of dishonesty and incompetence in stride to still support trump and not care about al, the stuff trump said that isn’t true at all. trump said the virus would go away soon back in February. trump said we had this virus contained. Is he still credible after being so wrong?

I want trump fans to defend trump’s failure China travel ban. I want y’all lying and pretending 40,000 let in and still coming people coming from China after the supposed ban is a success. Please do it.

First, I didn't vote for Trump, and I am not defending him. I am only attacking your incorrect information. Here is an article that lays out the numbers and timeline.

Direct flights from China brought 40k to U.S. after Trump coronavirus travel ban

Trump called it a travel ban, which is an exaggeration. They were travel restrictions. And the WHO, Scott Gottlieb, and epidemiologists advised that the travel restrictions were the wrong focus. You can say the travel restrictions were a failure because, as Gottlieb said, “we have to assume it’s already here and circulating.”

As for the medical response, every state should have emergency preparedness plans for their healthcare systems. I do wonder why so many of those emergency plans weren't sufficient to handle this virus. I also wonder why we have a bunch of RN's sitting at entrances to medical facilities taking temperatures, or sitting at home on lay off (at least in my area), instead of helping to ramp up emergency response.


Well-Known Member
I’ll say it again, there are voters, who voted for both GWBush and Trump, whose incompetence cost the lives of thousands of Americans and whose incompetence destroyed the economy. These voters have twice elected two of the worst presidents in American history. I keep hoping there is some level of introspection, guilt, shame, regret, sadness at what they have done to this nation yet again. I hope GWBush and trump voters ask themselves why do they keep electing people who badly hurt this nation and their fellow citizens.

oh god dont stop there lets make this a real crime. Many obama voters voted for trump and we all know Obama killed at least 12000 with H1N1 . there now you got a real pisser of a conspiracy


Well-Known Member
Pointing out objective reality which makes trump looks bad is an issue for delusional trump fans. trump’s China travel ban has allowed 430,000 people from China to come to America after it was put in place and they are still coming. so I’ll ask again what are trump fans even defending at this point? 430,000 people and counting from China? No early testing even though other nation’s has it, didn’t lead on social distancing and shutting down large public gatherings, and didn’t get enough medical equipment?

What did trump do in aNy way to make this Coranavirus Thing less terrible? What a complete failure by trump.

dishonest post number 5 on the same lie .


Well-Known Member
source? or are you just reading talking points

I'll give you a clue .. ready... most of the 430000 arrived here before the travel ban. 40000 after the ban many or most of those being returning americans

trump fans pretending to care about sources. trump retweets racists and conspiracy theorists. trump in a press conference said the virus was less lethal than the flu, right now, trump is telling people to take a drug to fight the virus that medical doctors aren’t saying works. Are those things fact and source free ramblings an issue for you?

I’m not pretending you care about facts or sources


Well-Known Member
As Azar explained when he announced the travel restrictions on Jan. 31, the policy prohibits non-U.S. citizens, other than the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, who have traveled to China within the last two weeks from entering the U.S.

why are you answering for him or are you two the same person ?
Maybe they were listening trump and trump fans lying and saying coronavirus was an overblown thing used to hurt the president. Like how can trump fans fix their mouths to criticize anyone else’s response when trump utterly failed to respond to the virus, and trump and they downplayed this virus for months. Maybe people believed trump and his fans lies and that’s why they didn’t act.
It's Sunday. Go fight with someone else. I've had my fill of stupid people this week.


Well-Known Member
trump fans pretending to care about sources. trump retweets racists and conspiracy theorists. trump in a press conference said the virus was less lethal than the flu, right now, trump is telling people to take a drug to fight the virus that medical doctors aren’t saying works. Are those things fact and source free ramblings an issue for you?

I’m not pretending you care about facts or sources

I'm sorry I believe you just dodged the blatant dishonesty of your posts?


Well-Known Member
Actually it has been referred to as a travel band-aid.
That’s not what trump and his fans have been pretending. It is my contention that trump believed his China travel ban alone would stop the spread of the virus in America, and trump foolishly believed what the Chinese President was telling him about how they were handling the virus and he thought it was under control so he failed to get early testing, he failed to lead on social distancing and telling states, cities. Businesses to stop public gatherings, And he didn’t get medical equipment

till this day when one asks what did trump get right in his response to the virus, the first thing he and his fans mentions is a China travel ban in which 430,000 people and counting would be coming in from China. My point is the travel ban failed. And that means trump did nothing to lessen this virus. He failed in every way possible. Not one thing for months.


Well-Known Member
First, I didn't vote for Trump, and I am not defending him. I am only attacking your incorrect information. Here is an article that lays out the numbers and timeline.

Direct flights from China brought 40k to U.S. after Trump coronavirus travel ban

Trump called it a travel ban, which is an exaggeration. They were travel restrictions. And the WHO, Scott Gottlieb, and epidemiologists advised that the travel restrictions were the wrong focus. You can say the travel restrictions were a failure because, as Gottlieb said, “we have to assume it’s already here and circulating.”

As for the medical response, every state should have emergency preparedness plans for their healthcare systems. I do wonder why so many of those emergency plans weren't sufficient to handle this virus. I also wonder why we have a bunch of RN's sitting at entrances to medical facilities taking temperatures, or sitting at home on lay off (at least in my area), instead of helping to ramp up emergency response.

So trump lied and what’s your issue with me? Seriously, trump and his fans tell gigantic whoppers all the time. Without any care. I want them to defend his nonsense policy which I said was a failure a few days ago. Carry on.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I believe you just dodged the blatant dishonesty of your posts?
Look man, if trump can lie to his fans and they still want him to be president, I’m not gonna stop pretend they care about facts or sources. Either hold trump to that standard or stop pretending to care about facts or sources. That’s my stance.