

Well-Known Member
dishonest post number 5 on the same lie .
trump fans pretending to care about facts.
trump said the virus was contained, trump tweeted that China was doing a great job and he believed the Chinese President, trump said the virus would soon go away, trump said the virus wasn’t more deadly than the flu, trump says the democrats and the media were hyping the danger of the virus to hurt his re election, trump right now is telling people to take a drug to fight the virus that doctors have not recommended,

look at this list of lies and fact free bs from trump. People who can read or listen to that and still want trump to be president do not care about facts or sources or reality and I’m not going to pretend they do. Either hold trump to that standard or carry on.


Well-Known Member
As you sit home watching #COVID death counts spiral, please know the official
guidance for coding COVID-related deaths is as follows: any death where the disease “caused or is *assumed* to have caused or *contributed to* death.” Confirmed lab tests are not required...
Alex Berenson on Twitter
Isn’t that the same standard they use for the flu? Nobody dies from the flu. Only complications from the flu. Mainly pneumonia.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
As Azar explained when he announced the travel restrictions on Jan. 31, the policy prohibits non-U.S. citizens, other than the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, who have traveled to China within the last two weeks from entering the U.S.

good to know but totally worthless to the point that refinary worker your other personality blatantly fabricated numbers on those flights?


Well-Known Member
Look man, if trump can lie to his fans and they still want him to be president, I’m not gonna stop pretend they care about facts or sources. Either hold trump to that standard or stop pretending to care about facts or sources. That’s my stance.

you're admitting you lied?


Well-Known Member
trump fans pretending to care about facts.
trump said the virus was contained, trump tweeted that China was doing a great job and he believed the Chinese President, trump said the virus would soon go away, trump said the virus wasn’t more deadly than the flu, trump says the democrats and the media were hyping the danger of the virus to hurt his re election, trump right now is telling people to take a drug to fight the virus that doctors have not recommended,

look at this list of lies and fact free bs from trump. People who can read or listen to that and still want trump to be president do not care about facts or sources or reality and I’m not going to pretend they do. Either hold trump to that standard or carry on.

trump has been much more truthful then you have. hope that helps


I'm a star
So trump lied and what’s your issue with me? Seriously, trump and his fans tell gigantic whoppers all the time. Without any care. I want them to defend his nonsense policy which I said was a failure a few days ago. Carry on.

Ok, if 390,000 people came in from China in the month of January, before the restriction, and only 40,000 in February and March, that's a 95% decrease month over month. You directly stated that 430k came in since the restrictions, suggesting that the restrictions didn't do anything to stem the tide of people entering from China. A 95% decrease isn't a failure, and it's hard to say that it didn't slow the spread of the virus. It may not have been the proper focus, I don't know if anyone really knows that for sure. Just like it's hard to say that telling healthy people to stay home is necessary, but people will use any improvement in the situation to defend that policy. There are many confounding factors, to base your opinions of the situation on political affiliations is disingenuous at best.


Well-Known Member
Next thing cuckservatives will be screaming is the CDC is deep state!
Personally , I wouldn't say they are deep state. But I also wouldn't put the odds of that being the case at zero ; ( probably somewhere minutely above zero ).

They perpetuated, excuse me, created and fabricated the lie just last month that masks were not needed and that they would only help if you were already infected.

Now, you can say that they had a good reason to do so in that they didn't want a run on masks because the healthcare industry theoretically needed them more than the average citizen. And , I would tend to agree with that statement.

But, you can't say they haven't lied to us about stuff related to this specific virus as they themselves have admitted to lying to the American public and then scoffing it off as a needed "evil " mean to justify the ends.

Poop Head

Judge me.
As you sit home watching #COVID death counts spiral, please know the official
guidance for coding COVID-related deaths is as follows: any death where the disease “caused or is *assumed* to have caused or *contributed to* death.” Confirmed lab tests are not required...
Alex Berenson on Twitter
Neighbor- "Well officer, i think i heard him sneeze before i heard the gunshot."

Officer- "Sounds like an open and shut case. Covid got him."


Well-Known Member
Ok, if 390,000 people came in from China in the month of January, before the restriction, and only 40,000 in February and March, that's a 95% decrease month over month. You directly stated that 430k came in since the restrictions, suggesting that the restrictions didn't do anything to stem the tide of people entering from China. A 95% decrease isn't a failure, and it's hard to say that it didn't slow the spread of the virus. It may not have been the proper focus, I don't know if anyone really knows that for sure. Just like it's hard to say that telling healthy people to stay home is necessary, but people will use any improvement in the situation to defend that policy. There are many confounding factors, to base your opinions of the situation on political affiliations is disingenuous at best.
Too little, too late. Ttku......


Well-Known Member
So the flu kills.1 % of known cases covid 19 kills 20 × more almost 2.5 percent just in USA alone. So if 60 thousand people die each year of flu in United States multiply by 20× thats approximately 1.2 million a year. So I guess it could get worse. Anyone who thinks it's a hoax or a joke is a foo


Inordinately Right
So the flu kills.1 % of known cases covid 19 kills 20 × more almost 2.5 percent just in USA alone. So if 60 thousand people die each year of flu in United States multiply by 20× thats approximately 1.2 million a year. So I guess it could get worse. Anyone who thinks it's a hoax or a joke is a foo