
Already is? If society stays intact,

Survivability is 97%. Social breakdown,

All bets are off. Alot matters alot.


Well-Known Member
Now give us a chart that shows the mortality rate for those infected.

Fair and balanced is only right, right?

About 81% of people who are infected with the coronavirus have mild cases of COVID-19, according to a study published Feb. 18 by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
About 13.8% report severe illness, meaning they have shortness of breath, or require supplemental oxygen, and about 4.7% are critical, meaning they face respiratory failure, multi-organ failure or septic shock.
The data thus far suggests that around 2.3% of people infected with COVID-19 die from the virus.
People who are older or have underlying health conditions seem to be most at risk of having severe disease or complications.
While there's no need to panic, people should take steps to prepare and protect themselves and others from the new coronavirus.

Fred asked me for a fair and balanced answer on that question. There is some doubt as to whether chinese reporting has been accurate thus i was reluctant to use their stats.


nowhere special
Fred asked me for a fair and balanced answer on that question. There is some doubt as to whether chinese reporting has been accurate thus i was reluctant to use their stats.

How many people have mild cases and don't get reported? The numbers slant to the negative since they focus on deaths and seriously ill. Hard to tell what the infection rate really is.


Well-Known Member
How many people have mild cases and don't get reported? The numbers slant to the negative since they focus on deaths and seriously ill. Hard to tell what the infection rate really is.

thats my feeling too. the symptoms are similar to the flu thus some may think thats what they have.


cap'n crunch
I was in WM yesterday buying some vitamins. An oriental woman asked where the facemasks were. Clerk told her they haven't had any in over 2 weeks, and they are on back order. Don't know when they were going to get any. I have a box here somewhere I bought last year. Maybe I can sell them on Ebay.