

Well, I bought 200lbs. of rice and beans yesterday. Also bought "extra" sources of canned meat

etc. in bulk at Costco. I also bought a new high capacity tactical shotgun(only had a hunting

type). I've got plenty of AR15-s, handguns etc. We weren't going to put in a garden this

year(lot's of work), just easier to buy from the store. That will change today(Sat.). Unless

you wear a space suit, masks and such aren't worth spit. This thing is air borne and you can't

get away from it. While at Costco, I asked the checkout lady and helper dude what Costco has

told them about all this and they just had a blank look and laughed "nothing...". I looked

around and saw hundreds of people in close proximity and all touching and breathing the

same air/stuff. It was busy with big carts full of lot's of stuff. I have been listening to podcasts

and such about death rates and possibilities. It "seems" like at it's worst(IDK), about 2-3%

"could" die....that's total of the world's population, about the same as the 1918 flu. Not bad.

Unless you are the 2-3%. I'm a little older and therefore more vulnerable. Sucks.

Oh well. We(wife, me) have about 6 months of food on hand. However, I have a daughter and son

in law that will come here(country) in the end. Of course, they don't have extra money for

extra things nor do they have weapons(very liberal)(we'll see how liberal when :censored2:e hits the

fan). All off this is for the possibility of martial law and that sort of thing. Or not. Our last

cache of rice and beans went to the Salvation Army Mission as we had had it for several years.

We have a swimming pool and that takes care of the water problem...for awhile. Plus

can you defend it? Doom and gloom? You asked. Check out history for the most relevant

pandemics and this is nothing new. So, when you commie/socialist/democrat liberals

keep demanding open borders, flooding the US with unknown origin folks, Unknown!

And when this thing goes uh viral.....hold hands and hope someone(close to you) will defend

and feed you. You Bernie people: see how China is handling this. That's how commies do

things. Bernie is a commie. Look around. Good luck.


Netsua 3:16

Congratulations preppers, you might live an extra 2-3 days than the rest of us. Guns and canned food aren’t going to stop the Coronavirus. Guns and canned food aren’t going to stop the :censored2: apocalypse.


Well-Known Member
The only thing people need to worry about is a liberal media intentionally trying to destroy the economy. Every severe case has been in adults over 60 in poor health. The coronavirus is simply the name for a type of flu virus. This strain has been around since 2004. Look at a container of lysol wipes. They say on the back they are effective against Coronavirus. This is all literally media hype. Look at the headlines. It's almost all sensationalist verbiage "The markets were a bloodbath today as the Coronavirus reaches epidemic levels". The markets didn't start falling until the media told people the markets were falling over and over again.

El Correcto

god is dead
With the spread of the coronavirus expanding rapidly in the US, how/are any of you doing anything extra to prevent it? I personally bought some nitrile gloves, antibacterial wash and thinking about getting a small respiratory mask. Mask is probably overkill..


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
The only thing people need to worry about is a liberal media intentionally trying to destroy the economy. Every severe case has been in adults over 60 in poor health. The coronavirus is simply the name for a type of flu virus. This strain has been around since 2004. Look at a container of lysol wipes. They say on the back they are effective against Coronavirus. This is all literally media hype. Look at the headlines. It's almost all sensationalist verbiage "The markets were a bloodbath today as the Coronavirus reaches epidemic levels". The markets didn't start falling until the media told people the markets were falling over and over again.
Coronavirus has actually been around for a long time. This is just a strain we haven’t seen before


Allergic to cardboard.
The only thing people need to worry about is a liberal media intentionally trying to destroy the economy. Every severe case has been in adults over 60 in poor health. The coronavirus is simply the name for a type of flu virus. This strain has been around since 2004. Look at a container of lysol wipes. They say on the back they are effective against Coronavirus. This is all literally media hype. Look at the headlines. It's almost all sensationalist verbiage "The markets were a bloodbath today as the Coronavirus reaches epidemic levels". The markets didn't start falling until the media told people the markets were falling over and over again.
I spray Lysol on the diad and the customer’s hands before getting a signature.


The chief epidemiologist at Harvard projected 40-70% of the world's population will at some point come in contact with the virus although symptoms will not manifest in everyone. He predicted the COVID-19 will become another seasonal illness like the cold and flu. Now its cold, flu and coronavirus season.