
Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
1% of America is over 3 million people. Is that the price you are willing to pay to save Wall Street?
Just stup! False Dichotomy!
A 6th grader can do better than that!

False Dichotomy

This fallacy has a few other names: “black-and-white fallacy,” “either-or fallacy,” “false dichotomy,” and “bifurcation fallacy.”
This line of reasoning fails by limiting the options to two when there are in fact more options to choose from.
The false dichotomy fallacy errs by oversimplifying the range of options.


SARS-COV-2 was already spreading in France in late December 2019

SARS-COV-2 was already spreading in France in late December 2019 - ScienceDirect


Covid-19 was already spreading in France in late December 2019, a month before the official first cases in the country.

Early community spreading changes our knowledge of covid-19 epidemic.

This new case changes our understanding of the epidemic and modeling studies should adjust to this new data.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Routine screenings are down according to that study. But delaying a 5 year follow-up test or even an annual screening isn't the same as a heart attack or stroke victim not getting care. ALL of the doctor's offices, including optometrists, Dentists and Chiropractors are and have been open throughout all this.

Granted, this is just in my corner of the country.
There’s dozens of articles covering this.

“At Providence, the volume of heart attack patients fell by about 50% in March compared with the same month last year, Hochman said, adding that the notion that people have just stopped having heart attacks is "too good to be true." He and other physicians suspect patients that have mild heart attacks or strokes — which would normally have sent them to the ER — are seeking treatment from family doctors or outpatient clinics or are forgoing it altogether as Covid-19 patients inundate hospitals across the country. The consequences could last years, he said.”

Doctors worry the coronavirus is keeping patients away from US hospitals as ER visits drop: 'Heart attacks don't stop'


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Here immunity at a cost of a 12% mortality rate is unacceptable to most of us! Especially if it is viewed the 12% is due solely for a buck.


Here immunity at a cost of a 12% mortality rate is unacceptable to most of us! Especially if it is viewed the 12% is due solely for a buck.

What about the increase in suicides, the mental health of people, the people who lose everything, houses, cars, businesses, livelihoods, families? People who need chemotherapy, surgeries, other medical procedures? We just supposed to ignore all of that to try to get the covid death rate to 0%? When’s enough enough?


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
What about the increase in suicides, the mental health of people, the people who lose everything, houses, cars, businesses, livelihoods, families? People who need chemotherapy, surgeries, other medical procedures? We just supposed to ignore all of that to try to get the covid death rate to 0%? When’s enough enough?

Please provide proof. Honestly, at this point in time, there is none!