

Just a turd
So one positive and 2 negatives. Everyone gets 3 tests min. Lol
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During a COVID-19 briefing, The Virginia Department of Health announced it will now count the number of positive virus tests instead of the number of people who test positive.

That means if one person is tested three-times and all three tests come back positive, it counts as three instead of how the numbers were being counted before, which would have only been one because it was a single patient.

Virginia sees jump in COVID-19 testing
it counts as three tests, since they are determining testing capacity. This is independent of positive versus negative testing rate.


During a COVID-19 briefing, The Virginia Department of Health announced it will now count the number of positive virus tests instead of the number of people who test positive.

That means if one person is tested three-times and all three tests come back positive, it counts as three instead of how the numbers were being counted before, which would have only been one because it was a single patient.

Virginia sees jump in COVID-19 testing

@sailfish do you see this garbage?

I don't care if COVID is deadlier than Ebola at this point. I'm gonna die of a stroke this year because everything in the news pisses me off.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What type of masochist would get tested 3 times?
You have to get tested a second time in order to return to work or quit sheltering in place.
I have a friend that is a chef and she tested positive and when she was tested after 10 days she was still positive.
She was tested a week later and was negative so she got to go back to work.
She didn't mention having to get two negative result tests.
She wasn't getting paid while not working.
She is 39 and had sore throat and a slight temperature but no other symptoms.
She was going bat-crazy being cooped up ... she is a bundle of nervous energy!