

Read the article that was shoved under your nose! Btw your "question" was 4 pages back sorry I missed it in all the bitching, moaning and political hack BS.

I didn't answer because there have been 0 statistics released! We get a report from a telephone service indicating a rather large increase in call volume that does not translate in an equal increase in suicides!

Now let's examine your "claim" shall we? It's been 2 months since the beginning of the stay at home orders. No, I repeat NO foreclosures in any state occurs within a 2 month time frame! Furthermore many states have banned foreclosure proceedings during the shut down so that claim is bugus. Car repossessions, what courts are open to process these claims? I am telling you right now to your Face that needed medical services are still being performed! Patients that need chemo, a heart cath, spinal surgeries due to life threatening accidents, stroke treatments, dialysis treatments get them!

What has been delayed are elective surgeries! Sorry @DriveInDriveOut your reassignment surgery has been delayed!

As for losing their businesses and livelihoods, that's what the stimulus packages were supposed to prevent. If the stimulus didn't go where it was needed where's the fault "lie"?

Your last part of your question I find ironic and sad. "What about the people who lose their families" I even need explain to you the ridiculousness of your claiming that those who are forced to stay at home to prevent increased covid19 deaths might somehow "lose their families" by not contracting the virus???????
Divorce is what I meant by “losing their families”

Surge in divorces anticipated in wake of COVID-19 quarantine

there’s some articles I found kinda interesting and where I was coming at with my “unproven claims” bud.

The small business loans or stimulus or whatever might have helped these business for 4-5 weeks, but what about now? Now that we are what week 8 of this? They take out more loans, go deeper into debt, and can operate at 25% or not at all?, doesn’t make sense to me really.

Again, I’m saying. We can’t just sit back and :censored2: everybody over to try to get the case count to 0. It’s not feasible. Nobody should be held hostage by their government. Which I know I’m not going to change your mind on any of it and I don’t really care. But just something to think about. Cheers guy

edit: aren’t some states running out of unemployment money now too? Then what? People aren’t gonna get UI benefits and still can’t go to work?? Hope this works out because if not :censored2:s gonna be real :censored2:ed up for a long time for a lot of people.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
If social distancing (6 feet apart) works why are we wearing masks and being told to stay 6 feet apart?


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Ok, divorce wasn't even on my radar to consider.

I still honestly believe that there hasn't been enough time to even report the numbers from which they compile the data and analyze the statistics to know what's actually going on, both good and bad. So as The claims start flying

The loans were designed to prevent "going into debt" if the rules are followed as the loans are forgiven. The loans And the stimulus checks are for the express purpose of getting through this. I

Not everyone is "sitting back" trying to ____ everybody over. I firmly believe first responders, emergency and medical personnel will comprise the largest groups in society who died of this pandemic by a large margin.

As far as being "held hostage by their government" can this not be only read as a politically charged statement.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
edit: aren’t some states running out of unemployment money now too? Then what? People aren’t gonna get UI benefits and still can’t go to work?? Hope this works out because if not :censored2:s gonna be real :censored2:ed up for a long time for a lot of people.

So what is your suggestion? Just let fly? We are at "only" 71,064 deaths (11:30 est. 5/5). Remove all attempts to decrease the infection rate and pray we don't hit 3 million deaths?

This pandemic was ignored for the critical first 2 months! That can not be changed at this point. What can be done is listening to and and support the experts who have studied this for their entire adult lives.
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Man of Great Wisdom
Read it and sniff snot.....

There is evidence linking the coronavirus to a lab in China's ground-zero city of Wuhan, French scientist Luc Montagnier
A 2008 Nobel Prize recipient for discovering the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has weighed in on the controversy about the origin of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and insisted that it is laboratory-made.
Interviewed on the CNews channel in France, Montagnier asserted that the virus had been designed by molecular biologists, stating that it contains genetic elements of HIV, and that its characteristics could not have arisen naturally.
Asked by the CNews interviewer what the goal of these molecular biologists could be, Montagnier said it wasn’t clear. “My job,” he said, “is to expose the facts.”
You can find anything on the interwebs to back up anything. Garbage.


Well-Known Member
Ok, divorce wasn't even on my radar to consider.

I still honestly believe that there hasn't been enough time to even report the numbers from which they compile the data and analyze the statistics to know what's actually going on, both good and bad. So as The claims start flying

The loans were designed to prevent "going into debt" if the rules are followed as the loans are forgiven. The loans And the stimulus checks are for the express purpose of getting through this. I

Not everyone is "sitting back" trying to ____ everybody over. I firmly believe first responders, emergency and medical personnel will comprise the largest groups in society who died of this pandemic by a large margin.

As far as being "held hostage by their government" can this not be only read as a politically charged statement.
I suspect people 65 and older will be the biggest group who died from the virus.


Retired 23 years
A few weeks back a lady that was 106 was listed as a coronavirus victim---- sure---that was the culprit that killed her.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
It seems to be hitting those over 95 pretty hard.
107-year-old Chesterfield man believed to be oldest COVID-19 survivor in US
“I’m really missing all of the nice things from people because of this disease," says Rudi Heider.

There have been many stories published in the last month about a possible "oldest survivor" of COVID-19, including a 106-year-old Connie Titchen of Great Britain, 104-year-old Bill Lapschies of Oregon is among the oldest American's with Heider. But there are also reports of another 107-year-old who lives in the Netherlands. Cornelia Ras reportedly started to feel sick on March 18, a day after her 107th birthday, but two-and-a-half weeks later doctors told Ras she was virus-free.