
Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Let's go ahead and call a spade a spade ... the :poop: hole of America!

Deaths per Million Ranking
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Well-Known Member
Just flashed across my newsfeed that cases of the flu are down 98% over the last 10 months.
Isn't that incredible? It's like "a miracle".

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
China did it. Why can't we?

I’d better get on board with the Republicans’ silly Congressional antics on the 6th If you want to weld peoples’ doors shut from the outside to get the virus contained.

The Washington Post:

“Warning: Chinese authoritarianism is hazardous to your health”

“You don’t have to look far to find the signs of a typically authoritarian response to the crisis. CCP officials weld doors shut to prevent those who have fallen ill from leaving their homes.

Hospitals and clinics turn people away because they can’t pay (despite official promises of free care), returning home to attend to themselves and their families or to succumb to the illness alone. And without approved diagnoses, these deaths will not be counted in official CCP statistics about the new disease.”


I'm a star
Nothing drops 98% at once except your credibility with every one of your posts.
Yep, they don't test for the flu unless your symptoms are severe enough to need some sort of treatment or hospitalization. It is normally diagnosed by symptoms, and they send you home on a rest and fluids regimen. It's not tracked like covid has been.

This new form of "test everyone, often" for covid has never been done before, and the statistics from it are being judged on the basis of more traditional testing strategies. That is the biggest reason people are freaking out about the numbers.

The PCR is being used as a diagnostic tool, but it was not designed for that, as the presence of viral RNA is not necessarily indicative of an active infection. All things considered, I wouldn't be surprised if most deaths that were deemed to be caused by covid were actually flu with covid being a secondary infection.

But no one in the media seems to be asking about the comorbidity issues, or faulty testing methodolgies, false positivity rates, etc. So we are left with either simply, and docilely, accepting the narrative that is being spun, rejecting the narrative entirely, or trying to piece together what is really happening on our own because journalists are failing to do their jobs quite spectacularly.