Covid Vaccinations


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Too small for a 'slide' under a microscope that you can 'see' , and most people have seen the view from an electron microscope. ALL electron microscopes generate computer images. This proves you are too ignorant to be making your own decisions. IF you think you can see a virus any way but computer generated, you are truly uneducated. By posting, you keep showing all of us that you are ignorant of some pretty basic science. YOU in particular really need to listen to people who know more, because this post in particular proves without a doubt that you are not up to date on science like electron microscopes that have been around already for decades. Maybe you should google 'luddite' and determine if it applies to you.
Look there is a reason that I linked another virus of the same size as covid that was taken under a slide on a microscope. Dddeerrrrrrrrrrr..

To date, research has shown that the viruses that have been identified and isolated can range in diameter size from 20 nm to as large as 500 nm.

But please tell me all about your facts. Smh... By the way looks like covid can be 16x the size of the polio virus. Just saying...


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Too small for a 'slide' under a microscope that you can 'see' , and most people have seen the view from an electron microscope. ALL electron microscopes generate computer images. This proves you are too ignorant to be making your own decisions. IF you think you can see a virus any way but computer generated, you are truly uneducated. By posting, you keep showing all of us that you are ignorant of some pretty basic science. YOU in particular really need to listen to people who know more, because this post in particular proves without a doubt that you are not up to date on science like electron microscopes that have been around already for decades. Maybe you should google 'luddite' and determine if it applies to you.
Here, please read up.

Ps most microscope images are slides when you view them..


Well-Known Member
Look there is a reason that I linked another virus of the same size as covid that was taken under a slide on a microscope. Dddeerrrrrrrrrrr..

To date, research has shown that the viruses that have been identified and isolated can range in diameter size from 20 nm to as large as 500 nm.

But please tell me all about your facts. Smh... By the way looks like covid can be 16x the size of the polio virus. Just saying...
You can't see ANY details of a virus under a visual microscope. It takes more resolution.


Well-Known Member
Liberty or Death.

It's almost like I'm a real American.
A real American cares about his fellow citizens, unlike you. You are clearly from the 'me first' generations we have had since people started getting participation trophies, and red stars for not peeing their pants every day. You are just soo proud of yourself.


Well-Known Member


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
A real American cares about his fellow citizens, unlike you. You are clearly from the 'me first' generations we have had since people started getting participation trophies, and red stars for not peeing their pants every day. You are just soo proud of yourself.
Says the me first guy that suggest everyone do what he does. Smh. Wake up..


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
You realize that the pictures of the COVID-19 virus is from the exact type of microscope you posted, right?🤣
Look at the actual picture. Look at the virus, there are two different pictures. With the exact cell structure. Yet the virus particles have moved. That is why I said they look computer generated.


Well-Known Member
Look at the actual picture. Look at the virus, there are two different pictures. With the exact cell structure. Yet the virus particles have moved. That is why I said they look computer generated.


Well-Known Member
Vaccines USED to take 5 years to develop, like it used to take a month to send mail across the country. Now the scientists have basic knowledge and set platforms that they know are safe that can be adapted to make other vaccines without starting from scratch. I suppose you want to start from scratch every time because you don't understand the process, but that still doesn't mean it is necessary. You CLEARLY have a weak background in science. I think you should listen to people who CLEARLY know a lot more than you. I only have a few college level courses in biology and chemistry, but it is enough that I can understand they don't need to start from scratch. Adapting an earlier vaccine platform saves them years, like putting a new engine in a car takes less time than building a new car from scratch if you need to change fuel from gasoline to alcohol for example to deliver something somewhere. Automakers use the same platform for both electric and gas powered cars, they don't need to start from scratch just to address one issue. Vaccine makers already have the 'vehicle' that delivers the proteins that attack the virus, they only needed to attach the right proteins to the carrier they already had- they DID NOT need to develop new vehicles. THAT is why they were able to develop the vaccine faster than the could even 20 years ago. Just because you can send an email across the country faster now than you could send a letter 200 years ago doesn't mean sending an email is less safe. That is just ignorant thinking- with 'ignorant' meaning just lack of the knowledge, not an insult unless you are being willfully ignorant even after being informed of the info. You should be glad that science it not as slow as it used to be, but instead, becauseyou are ignorant, you are scared.
Please present your STRONG credentials in science? The EXPERTS were saying no way that Trump gets the pharmaceutical companies to come up with legitimate vaccines in that short a time. You CLEARLY have a short memory. You're NAIVE if you believe that any medicine can be rushed to market and there's no chance there could be dangerous side effects. But then you've DEMONSTRATED repeatedly that you're a knot head who slams anyone who doesn't see everything your way.


Well-Known Member
And why do you attack them without full info????? The disease is found in the wild in that area, so it doesn't really matter. Whether it came from a food market or escaped a lab, is really irrelevant to stopping it. You want to blame before stopping it, while sane people realize that it needs to be stopped before even more dangerous variants emerge. Trump let it into the US, and then downplayed it, then suggested ingesting bleach, and suggests the vaccine be voluntary, even though allowing unvaccinated people to fire death bullets of the virus around is little different than allowing people to randomly fire real bullets around. People who refuse to be vaccinated should not be allowed in public.
Are you not bright enough to understand that they took a natural virus and manipulated it in a lab to become extremely contagious and it escaped the lab? Or that it a bioweapons lab? If it existed as is in the wild it would have spread worldwide long ago. Rage all you want, the Chinese have millions of deaths on their hands.


Well-Known Member
A real American cares about his fellow citizens, unlike you. You are clearly from the 'me first' generations we have had since people started getting participation trophies, and red stars for not peeing their pants every day. You are just soo proud of yourself.
You mean like when numerous prominent Democrats encouraged people to ignore Trump and go out to crowded events and not take meds that were used with great success around the world? Those kind of real Americans?


Retired 23 years
I just read where 1 out of 6 people who are anti-vaxers have secretly gotten the shots. I wouldn't doubt it was even higher than that.


Well-Known Member
Said no founding father ever in this country. You frikin socialist preaching socialism and collectivism (another name for communism) as being American. Shame on you. Every stupid idiot talking about being forced to get a shot. You're afraid to get a shot. The only shot I want is at the people that subverted and brought down the United States. If you don't like that tough crap. If you don't like that go back to bed and before you do have mommy change your socialist poopie diapers because you


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Well-Known Member
Said no founding father ever in this country. You frikin socialist preaching socialism and collectivism (another name for communism) as being American. Shame on you. Every stupid idiot talking about being forced to get a shot. You're afraid to get a shot. The only shot I want is at the people that subverted and brought down the United States. If you don't like that tough crap. If you don't like that go back to bed and before you do have mommy change your socialist poopie diapers because you
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