Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
You're not answering the question. What corroborated evidence exists that rises to the level of a coordinated diplomatic, economic and or military response by the US and it's global partners and what should that response or responses consist of?
We know that Biden is a blithering idiot. Can see it with our own eyes but aren't privy to what goes on behind the scenes. Same concept with the Chinese except they aren't idiots.


Well-Known Member
You don't understand that a real man has options, because a real man has skills and work ethic.

I'm at UPS because it's stupidly-easy for stupid-great benefits.

But I can have 50 yards to mow in a week of canvassing if I want, and charge premium for good work, with a helper or two.

Or I can build custom super-long rustic tables.

Or run heavy equipment for a farm.

Because men don't fear firing. I'm here because UPS is the best combination of super-easy and good money.
UPS will fail without you…you manly man


Well-Known Member

The government held the $35 per ounce price until August 15, 1971, when President Richard Nixon announced that the United States would no longer convert dollars to gold at a fixed value, thus completely abandoning the gold standard.
Removing the link of gold to the dollar was the FINAL step. Congress passed the legislation to remove the gold standard in 1933. Holding the price of gold to $35 in the US was NOT, the same as the 19333 actual taking the US off the gold standard. Clearly it is too subtle for you to understand the difference.


Well-Known Member
2 in 10,000 healthy young people are not dying.
And not wanting this vaccine doesn't mean you're antivax.

There are a lot of vaccines that you haven't gotten. Does that mean you're an anti-vaxxer?
2 in every 1,000 Americans have ALREADY died from covid, maybe more with about 700k confirmed dead already- MANY of them young and previously healthy, at least 10% of the 2 in 1000. 10% of 2 in 1000 IS 2 out of 10,000, so 2 in 10,000 young healthy people ARE dying. Just do the math. It should be simple enough for even you. Not 2 out of 1000 who got the virus- 2 in 1000 of the entire population have died, or about 4+ out 1000 of those who have had the virus.

Refusing a vaccination IS the very definition of being an anti-vaxxer. And there is no reason to get a vaccine for a disease that hasn't been discovered where you live. If yellow fever, or dengue fever, or ebola was as widely spreading in the US as covid, I would get a vaccine as soon as available. But it the disease isn't present, why would I get a vaccine for it????? Not being vaccinated for a disease I will not be exposed to is not being an 'anti vaxxer' but refusing a vaccine that has been proven safe with maybe 300 deaths world wide out of 1 billion+ doses, when 2 out of 100 Americans have died is being an anti-vaxxer.

And because less than half of US citizens have gotten the virus, the actual death rate for those who get the virus is actually double, or 4 in 1000. And there are many more who get extremely ill, or have long lasting symptoms, so the actual number of people badly affected if they get the virus is easily 40-50 out of 1000 who get the virus.


Well-Known Member
2 out of every 100 healthy young people are not dying.

2 out of every 100 at risk people are not dying, because 80% of that population has been vaccinated.

You're using death statistics from over a year ago before we even knew how to treat this, much less had therapeutics and vaccines.

Your problem is you're using 5th grade math for a complex statistical risk analysis, and you're not smart enough to realize that your sweeping generalizations are pointless.
700k in the US have died from covid. That is current numbers, out of the current 340 million population. That is seven dead out of every 3400 people. And the 5 of people dying has remained nearly constant among the infected. Treatments may have improved, but the delta variant is harder to treat, so the number of dying is not improving much. After the first couple months, treatments were already pretty much established, and most of the dead have occurred after those treatments were being used.

And because only the unvaccinated are dying (except for 0.01), the death rate among the unvaccinated is at least double the death rate as the average, and the vaccinated have an almost 0% death rate from covid. That is one dead American out of less than every 500 people. If the entire population gets the virus, it projects to at least double since less than half has had the virus. You cite the vaccine as a 'treatment' but are promoting NOT taking it, and increasing your risk of dying. Yep- that is reasonable.

700,000 dead among 150,000,000 unvaccinated people is a death rate from covid of about 1 in every 200 unvaccinated, in just over 1 year since the virus really started spreading in mid 2020. Stay unvaccinated for 10years, and the deaths will be ten times as many.


Inordinately Right
Refusing a vaccination IS the very definition of being an anti-vaxxer. And there is no reason to get a vaccine for a disease that hasn't been discovered where you live.
So you've gotten the HPV vaccine?
And the shingles vaccine?
You know you're full of it.
So does everyone else.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the vax companies are behind the suppression of Ivermectin?

Ivermectin Inhibits A Critical SARS-CoV-2 Protease In COVID-19​


Looks like one of the vax companies right now is working on developing a pill to treat covid patients.
They're going to be trying to get approval from the FDA.
They will have patent on it, since all they need to do is use something that INHIBITS PROTEASE and then mix it with other stuff and tada - $$$.

"The drug is part of a class of medicines called PROTEASE INHIBITORS"



Well-Known Member
I have to say. I have yet to see a microscopic slide picture of the virus. I'm really going to go out on a limb. They have yet to isolate it. All the pictures of the virus are computer generated...

Too small for a 'slide' under a microscope that you can 'see' , and most people have seen the view from an electron microscope. ALL electron microscopes generate computer images. This proves you are too ignorant to be making your own decisions. IF you think you can see a virus any way but computer generated, you are truly uneducated. By posting, you keep showing all of us that you are ignorant of some pretty basic science. YOU in particular really need to listen to people who know more, because this post in particular proves without a doubt that you are not up to date on science like electron microscopes that have been around already for decades. Maybe you should google 'luddite' and determine if it applies to you.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Removing the link of gold to the dollar was the FINAL step. Congress passed the legislation to remove the gold standard in 1933. Holding the price of gold to $35 in the US was NOT, the same as the 19333 actual taking the US off the gold standard. Clearly it is too subtle for you to understand the difference.
I understand the difference, but I also understand that was the final straw.


Well-Known Member
So you've gotten the HPV vaccine?
And the shingles vaccine?
You know you're full of it.
So does everyone else.
Not exposed to HPV since the HPV vaccine was developed, and don't figure to be exposed., and I will be getting the shingles vaccine now that my insurance covers it. I just got one of the pneumonia vaccines, and will be getting another in 4 more weeks, and the doctor recommended and I will be getting the hepatitus B vaccine. I do prefer to spread them out, even though my doctor suggested I could get multiples. I have gotten tetanus vaccines several times over the years, which is another example of a vaccine with waning efficacy that requires boosters. I understand the science behind vaccines and am not afraid of them.


Well-Known Member
You actually posted something that says the virus is believed to have originated in a food market? You do know that the NIH and Fauci partially funded gain of function research at the Chinese lab in Wuhan that's run by the Chinese military? Why do you folks defend the Chinese?
And why do you attack them without full info????? The disease is found in the wild in that area, so it doesn't really matter. Whether it came from a food market or escaped a lab, is really irrelevant to stopping it. You want to blame before stopping it, while sane people realize that it needs to be stopped before even more dangerous variants emerge. Trump let it into the US, and then downplayed it, then suggested ingesting bleach, and suggests the vaccine be voluntary, even though allowing unvaccinated people to fire death bullets of the virus around is little different than allowing people to randomly fire real bullets around. People who refuse to be vaccinated should not be allowed in public.


Well-Known Member
I've asked you multiple times what you think the consequences should be for communist China causing this pandemic.

Why won't you answer that question?
You don't know if China caused the pandemic or if it occurred naturally. If some virus arises from the US, should the world attack the US?????? With the density of population in US cities, it will likely happen someday.


Well-Known Member
You don't understand that a real man has options, because a real man has skills and work ethic.

I'm at UPS because it's stupidly-easy for stupid-great benefits.

But I can have 50 yards to mow in a week of canvassing if I want, and charge premium for good work, with a helper or two.

Or I can build custom super-long rustic tables.

Or run heavy equipment for a farm.

Because men don't fear firing. I'm here because UPS is the best combination of super-easy and good money.
But men are afraid of the vaccine!!!!!


Well-Known Member
30% meets the standard bell curve number on an IQ chart for the approximate % of truly stupid people in any general population.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I wonder if the vax companies are behind the suppression of Ivermectin?

Ivermectin Inhibits A Critical SARS-CoV-2 Protease In COVID-19​


Looks like one of the vax companies right now is working on developing a pill to treat covid patients.
They're going to be trying to get approval from the FDA.
They will have patent on it, since all they need to do is use something that INHIBITS PROTEASE and then mix it with other stuff and tada - $$$.

"The drug is part of a class of medicines called PROTEASE INHIBITORS"



nowhere special