LOL. Hitler.Not vaccinated get evicted…Not vaccinated unable to get a loan…to risky. Doctor won’t see unvaccinated. A bunch of lepers. Exile all you
LOL. Hitler.Not vaccinated get evicted…Not vaccinated unable to get a loan…to risky. Doctor won’t see unvaccinated. A bunch of lepers. Exile all you
Lung cancer isn't contagious. A doctor can see a smoker without risking his children's lives.
Where's yours?Where's yours?
If you can find one quote from me defending China on the covid issue, I will raise my opinion of you,. But saying you don't have proof is not defending China, and for you to believe that saying you don't have prof is the same as defending China is says a lot about your level of cognitive ability. Your illogical, delusional leap from me saying you have no proof of your claim that China developed covid to your illogical assertion that my statement is support of China proves just how bad education levels are in the country..LMFAO
Multiple posts from @dmac1 and @Working4the1%, desperate to defend the brutal authoritarian communist dictatorship responsible for a global pandemic that has killed millions.
How do you people sleep at night?
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Honestly, I can't even with you people.
If a doctor gets covid from some unvaccinated idiot, he could bring it home to his children, and they could die, but antivaxxers don't care about others.Children aren't in danger.
Children aren't in danger.If a doctor gets covid from some unvaccinated idiot, he could bring it home to his children, and they could die, but antivaxxers don't care about others.
If a doctor has obese kids it's his fault.If a doctor gets covid from some unvaccinated idiot, he could bring it home to his children, and they could die, but antivaxxers don't care about others.
Maybe to get the dumb dumbs currently filling hospitals to take a shot so we can all move on with our lives.
Here’s the “Definition of Terms” for Immunization as captured on August 26, 2021.
View attachment 351205
Here’s the “Definition of Terms” for immunizations now, which was updated on September 1, 2021
View attachment 351206
So in a week, a vaccine went from being something that “produces immunity to a specific disease” to something that merely “stimulates the body’s immune response against diseases,” and a vaccination no longer “produces immunity” to a disease, just “protection” from a disease.
Does anyone else find this disturbing? Why did the CDC suddenly redefine “vaccine” and “vaccination” to make them sound similar to your basic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or a prescription drug you have to keep taking regularly?
No explanation for the change is given.
Not to mention. I thought the shot works. Either it works or doesn't? Please get your facts straight..If a doctor gets covid from some unvaccinated idiot, he could bring it home to his children, and they could die, but antivaxxers don't care about others.
Was watching yesterday a conservative media outlet's version of the story. After the ab that was accused of having released the virus was absolved the conspiracy theorists have now moved onto another lab in Wuhan China..Except suspiscions don't equal 'well documented evidence' that you keep claiming exists but don't provide. And 5 lab workers getting flu at the same time is not 'well documented' evidence. There is ZERO evidence the workers had covid they caught in the lab, and if it was flu, it is common for co-workers to spread flu and other viruses around. If one of the workers went to the market and caught covid, if it was covid, and then co-workers got it, it still doesn't prove the virus they got was from the lab. The tests on the virus at the lab show the exact same dna as what is in the wild. You may want to put on some more tinfoil so aliens don't irradiate your brain. There is well documented evidence that aliens are taking over human bodies, and tin foil stops the aliens.
What do you mean they're not in danger? As of right now there is no approved COVID vaccine for children under the age of 12..Children aren't in danger.
Lol...............Was watching yesterday a conservative media outlet's version of the story. After the ab that was accused of having released the virus was absolved the conspiracy theorists have now moved onto another lab in Wuhan China..
No surprise there. When one conspiracy theory is debunked they simply move onto another.
And COVID isn't a serious threat to people under 12.What do you mean they're not in danger? As of right now there is no approved COVID vaccine for children under the age of 12..
LOL.....What do you mean they're not in danger? As of right now there is no approved COVID vaccine for children under the age of 12..
It's not a serious threat to people under 65...And COVID isn't a serious threat to people under 12.
There's a whole lot of people under 65 where it is a serious threat.It's not a serious threat to people under 65...