Covid Vaccinations


Well-Known Member
I will wear a mask (one of the mostly useless ones) when I go out but I see little need to get the shots.
I've never been nice to idiots who are conscious that their actions are possible harming others, and in this case, I actually do hope that the willfully unvaccinated become sick. And with all the right wing talk show hosts getting sick, maybe this wish will be the one I am granted in my lifetime.


Well-Known Member
Suviability with out the shot is 99.9 - 99.8. So you are saying people that have the shot will have a higher risk of death? Please reread what you said.

Not to mention the vaers report puts the number of deaths higher. Just from taking the shot...
approximately 40 million have gotten infected, and almost 700k have died from it in the US. That is 7 out of every 400 infected who die. You clearly don't understand percentages. The 99.8%+ figure is the survival rated of the vaccinated who get infected. That is less than 1 out of 1000. That literally means that an infected person who has the vaccine has 1/14 the risk of death if infected than an unvaccinated person. Literally.


Well-Known Member
Being unvaccinated is technically a medical condition and if an employer mandates an employee get vaccinated as a condition of employment or continued employment, is a form of discrimination. According to the ACA, that is now against the law. Don't believe me...go read it.

To many liabilities for a major Corp to take on for them to implement mandates. Just a matter of time before the lawsuits are filed against United, Disney, etc.
Your opinion that being vaccinated is a medical condition is just proof that you like to make stuff up, or that you believe FOX 'news.'


nowhere special
I've never been nice to idiots who are conscious that their actions are possible harming others, and in this case, I actually do hope that the willfully unvaccinated become sick. And with all the right wing talk show hosts getting sick, maybe this wish will be the one I am granted in my lifetime.
Vaccinations do nothing to stop the spread.


Well-Known Member
There have not been billions of doses.

P. S. Do you own research. If you need help to figure out this website. I'll help you. Just let me know..

You are completely misinformed.
%0% of the US population, or about 165 million have recieved an average of 1.6 doses of one of the vaccines. That is 400 million doses in the US alone. Europe has an even higher rate with a similar population, for another 400 million doses. Canada has almost 80% fully vaccinated for another few hundred million doses. China, Russia, India, Brazil all have vaccinated hundreds of millions more. So yes, billions of doses have been distributed, with Oxford University saying nearly 5 billion doses.So your facts are just wrong, meaning your conclusions about the vaccines are wrong. If you don't know the facts, you shouldn't be proving your ignorance of the facts publicly.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations - Statistics and Research

In the US, about 7000 people died after getting the vaccine out of 375 million doses, , with no proof the deaths were caused by the vaccine or just coincidental. Thousands of people die every day. Some of the adverse reactions that were caused bt the vaccine early are now understtod and treatable. So the death rate has gone down since some of the initial reports. Now that potential complications are known, there may only be 5% as many deaths attributed as there were immediately on release.



Legio patria nostra
Private companies can still charge employees as much as they want, up to the mandated limit. If employers find the cost to high, they can decide to pass the costs on to those raising the price for everyone. An employer with a vaccine mandate will over time have lower medical costs statistically. Companies are rewarded with lower insurance rates if all their employees are healthy. Has absolutely nothing to do with socialism- that aspect is pure capitalism, other than the socialist nature of insurance in general.
I agree with this, in part, except the highlighted sentences that don't seem to have a relationship...

Also, the jab at the Fox viewers strips away your credibility. Your liberal side is showing.

I thought we got rid of you when Trump won in 2016, @wkmac


Well-Known Member
Vaccinations do nothing to stop the spread.
Yes they do. If people are coughing and sneezing less, and clearing the virus more quickly, they are less likely to spread the virus. That is obvious, and doesn't need explaining to most people. Your comment shows you aren't thinking through your thoughts very much. Just because you have a thought doesn't need you need to post it immediately.


Legio patria nostra
approximately 40 million have gotten infected, and almost 700k have died from it in the US. That is 7 out of every 400 infected who die. You clearly don't understand percentages. The 99.8%+ figure is the survival rated of the vaccinated who get infected. That is less than 1 out of 1000. That literally means that an infected person who has the vaccine has 1/14 the risk of death if infected than an unvaccinated person. Literally.

So you actually buy into the "data" that COVID killed all those people?
LOL.....Lib's are so funny when they call others "uneducated" when they deny logical reasoning and jump on "facts" that support their weak cases....LOL
Read the CDC examples of how COVID deaths are determined.

The "death rate" is actually less than 1% using worldwide "data" (and that data is skewed).

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Inordinately Right
approximately 40 million have gotten infected, and almost 700k have died from it in the US. That is 7 out of every 400 infected who die. You clearly don't understand percentages. The 99.8%+ figure is the survival rated of the vaccinated who get infected. That is less than 1 out of 1000. That literally means that an infected person who has the vaccine has 1/14 the risk of death if infected than an unvaccinated person. Literally.
LMAO at your common core math.
You people are ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
I agree with this, in part, except the highlighted sentences that don't seem to have a relationship...

Also, the jab at the Fox viewers strips away your credibility. Your liberal side is showing.

I thought we got rid of you when Trump won in 2016, @wkmac
FOX sucks, and is 99% just opinions. Or they report something because someone said it. and because someone factually said something, it doesn't mean that what the person said is a fact. One of their most common tactic is to report something 'Devin Nunes says 9-11 was a democrat plot' and FOX reports it as a fact, even though Devin Nunes was stating an opinion, and their viewers can't seem to tell the difference. A posted just above has been posting nonsense about the vaccine with 'facts' that are clearly wrong, not even knowing that almost 5 billion vaccine doses have been administered world wide, claiming it was less than 1 billion. That is a gross misstatement, and just one example of what FOX 'news; has their viewers believing. Anyone who listens/watches FOX news and considers it as credible is CLEARLY misinformed


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
At this time it probably is but I prefer to wear one rather than be that idiot on Facebook who everyone is laughing at and calling an idiot. They are very addiment about wearing a mask in any building in Glacier Park and the private business around it are pro mask also.
Do you mean like these people that tell you this is so scary?
You need to wear a mask...

P. S. Can you tell where the professionals photographers showed up to take pictures?
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Well-Known Member
LMAO at your common core math.
You people are ridiculous.
You can't find an error in the math, so you make some dumb comment about common core math, which wasn't even a thought when I was in school many decades ago. 7 out of 400 is NOT 0.2%. It is almost ten times that high. And 99.9% survival among the vaccinated who get the virus means 1 death out of 1000. One death out of 1000 compared to almost 2 deaths per 100 unvaccinated with the virus means the unvaccinated have 20 times as much risk of dying than the vaccinated who get the virus. Not liking the numbers doesn't make the math wrong.


Inordinately Right
FOX sucks, and is 99% just opinions. Or they report something because someone said it. and because someone factually said something, it doesn't mean that what the person said is a fact. One of their most common tactic is to report something 'Devin Nunes says 9-11 was a democrat plot' and FOX reports it as a fact, even though Devin Nunes was stating an opinion, and their viewers can't seem to tell the difference. A posted just above has been posting nonsense about the vaccine with 'facts' that are clearly wrong, not even knowing that almost 5 billion vaccine doses have been administered world wide, claiming it was less than 1 billion. That is a gross misstatement, and just one example of what FOX 'news; has their viewers believing. Anyone who listens/watches FOX news and considers it as credible is CLEARLY misinformed
Oh look, another left winger obsessed with watching Fox News. Reminds me of those nutcases TOS and MrfedEx.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
%0% of the US population, or about 165 million have recieved an average of 1.6 doses of one of the vaccines. That is 400 million doses in the US alone. Europe has an even higher rate with a similar population, for another 400 million doses. Canada has almost 80% fully vaccinated for another few hundred million doses. China, Russia, India, Brazil all have vaccinated hundreds of millions more. So yes, billions of doses have been distributed, with Oxford University saying nearly 5 billion doses.So your facts are just wrong, meaning your conclusions about the vaccines are wrong. If you don't know the facts, you shouldn't be proving your ignorance of the facts publicly.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations - Statistics and Research

In the US, about 7000 people died after getting the vaccine out of 375 million doses, , with no proof the deaths were caused by the vaccine or just coincidental. Thousands of people die every day. Some of the adverse reactions that were caused bt the vaccine early are now understtod and treatable. So the death rate has gone down since some of the initial reports. Now that potential complications are known, there may only be 5% as many deaths attributed as there were immediately on release.

Dippdy dooh dah. I gave you the saers government website. Check it out. You are wrong. In all aspects.


Legio patria nostra
FOX sucks, and is 99% just opinions. Or they report something because someone said it. and because someone factually said something, it doesn't mean that what the person said is a fact. One of their most common tactic is to report something 'Devin Nunes says 9-11 was a democrat plot' and FOX reports it as a fact, even though Devin Nunes was stating an opinion, and their viewers can't seem to tell the difference. A posted just above has been posting nonsense about the vaccine with 'facts' that are clearly wrong, not even knowing that almost 5 billion vaccine doses have been administered world wide, claiming it was less than 1 billion. That is a gross misstatement, and just one example of what FOX 'news; has their viewers believing. Anyone who listens/watches FOX news and considers it as credible is CLEARLY misinformed
Oh look, another left winger obsessed with watching Fox News. Reminds me of those nutcases TOS and MrfedEx.
I don't disagree, but the opinions are what every US "News" agency is about these days.
FOX is no different than CNN, MSN, NYT, WAPO, etc.....

Read World News and form your own opinions from their global perspective on the same issue.


Your Hero
FOX polls are meaningless. FOX tells their dumb viewers that mandates are unconstitutional and then asks them what they thinks. Same with all the right wing circle jerk sites where they all quote each other as news sources. Fox cites breitbart, breitbart quotes OAN, and Oan quotes FOX, over and over, reporting opinions as facs. And their minions come to sites like this believing what they hea, instead of fact checking.
The same as all you fascist circle jerking each other and spewing your fascist BS.