Covid Vaccinations


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Actually, 2000 people per day are dying from covid now. So in two weeks, it is 'only' about 30,000 more deadif everyone took proper precautions. A hard lockdown at the beginning and whenever cases were spreading in areas would have had the US with about the same number of dead as the rest of the advanced countries have around the globe. Instead, the troglodyte red states are afraid of masks and vaccine shots, which likely won't change in 2 weeks.

Also this is from your fearless leader..


Please pay attention to the bottom part and please stop lieing...


Inordinately Right
The ACA sets minimum standards, and for employer plans, they can raise rates for employees absent a union agreement to the maximum alllowed. A non-union employer can charge every employee different rates if they want. A private employer is NOT required to treat all employers equally, as long as the discrimination is not based on race, sex, or religion. Equal insurance premiums for all employees is not a constitutionally guaranteed right, no matter what numb skulls think.
That has nothing to do with my post buddy.
You need to get a grip, you're losing it.

The ACA does not allow insurance to cost more based on vaccination status. That's why they're going the surcharge health and wellness route. It will be challenged in court. Your entire rant was irrelevant to that fact.


Well-Known Member
You can't seem to get that deaths are per 100,000 cases. I said per million cases before but I believe it's per 100,000. The vaccinated aren't factored in except for breakthrough cases. So considering who's infected it's killing at a lower rate than before. I know that offers little comfort to the families of those who die. Get vaccinated, especially if you're in a high risk group. But stop the bullying, the scare tactics, for those of us who choose not to for various reasons. I for one want to see how the vaccines affect people long term. I'll probably need to be vaccinated to travel at some point but until then I'm waiting. And I'm looking at the same published numbers that everyone else is. If you can't see for yourself that the number of deaths haven't increased at the rate they were before and the implications of that then maybe Bubba is more clever than you are.
Long term effects with vaccines aren’t a thing. If there’s a reaction it is early onset. Long term complications from medication are from repeated intake like daily doses. Don’t let a false narrative stop you. It might not be right for someone, but long term effects aren’t a reasonable risk.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Long term effects with vaccines aren’t a thing. If there’s a reaction it is early onset. Long term complications from medication are from repeated intake like daily doses. Don’t let a false narrative stop you. It might not be right for someone, but long term effects aren’t a reasonable risk.
That’s not what the forensic pathologists are saying.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
So tell me all about your 'natural immunity" and what medical credentials you possess that permits you to speak from a standpoint of qualified expertise.
Here, medical credentials and expertise.... But will you care, I doubt it...smh

Dr. Makary Says Natural Immunity Is More Effective Then Vaccine Immunity

Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at John Hopkins School of Medicine, during an appearance on The Vince Coglianese Show, said individuals formerly infected with COVID-19 are seven times more likely then vaccinated people to fight off the virus.

“It appears that natural immunity is better against the Delta variant. When you get infected with COVID, your body’s immune system develops antibodies to the entire surface of the virus,” Makary said. “Not just the slight protein that the vaccines gives you, but the entire surface. And so you get a more diverse antibody portfolio in your system.”

Makary said data from Israel revealed that natural immunity appears to be 6.7x more effective than being vaccinated when it comes to fighting off COVID-19.

“One of the great failures of our medical leadership has been ignoring the half of America with natural immunity, which is the half of non-vaccinated folks.”

A woman gets her first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine at a walk-in COVID-19 clinic inside a Buddhist temple in the Smithfield suburb of Sydney on August 4, 2021. (Photo by Saeed KHAN / AFP) (Photo by SAEED KHAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Host Vince Coglianese said that the government likely does not share this data because “they’re scared that people are going to try and take the risk.”

Makary has still encouraged those who are not vaccinated and not immune to get the vaccine.


Well-Known Member
That’s not what the forensic pathologists are saying.
I said what I said because there’s near unanimity among reputable sources that vaccine side effects occur with 8 weeks of administration.

With billions of shots worldwide and hundreds of millions in the US we have a pretty good idea of the side effects, most of which aren’t serious. Anyone that had serious side effects would almost surely see them within 2 months.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
You Lepers are causing economy to slow down..unpatriotic and unvaccinated.
You trolls and your social media, and media misinformation campaigns are harmful to children, small businesses, and the whole economy. smh.. Hope the cesspool establishment is paying you enough to spread hate, and division...Now go mandate yourself a few
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