Full FDA approval takes it out of 'experimental' stage by definition. And no one NO ONE is being forced to be vaccinated. You can get another job where they don't require vaccinations. Private employers can set whatever requirements they want as long as race, creeds, and sex aren't used to discriminate. And states likely will vary in how they rulle with states like Florida and Texas probably trying to prevent employers from hiring and firing who they want based on vaccination status. The seasonal flu kills under 40,000 per year on average, but covid has killed about 600,000 in the past year. That makes your math WAY off. Nearly 700,000 dead out of maybe 200 million infected is a death rate among those infected of 1 out of every 300 who dies., and that 200 million figure may be lower. And again, no one is FORCING you to be vaccinated. 1 out of every 300 infected is a death rate of 16 times your claim of 0.025% . 1 in 300 is 0.33%. 1 in 100 is 1%. And the cost of being sick and hospitalized even without the deaths is still costing the country billions of dollars unnecessarlity. Vaccinated people are less than 10% as likely to be hospitalized if they do get covid. So it is a societal cost, and as long as you want to work in society, you should not be allowed to raise costs on everyone else out of stubborness. Your math skills show that you may not actually have a full understanding of the issue. The odds of dying are at least 16 times higher than you apparently believed, even using conservative numbers. 700,000 dead is 1 in every 500 US citizens dead, including the whole population- not just those who have had the virus. 1 in 500 dead in the WHOLE population is 0.2%, and that is 10 times higher than the number you cite as dead just among the unvaccinated. Either you don't understand how percentages work, or you just made up your 99.98% figure, because the total number who have survived so far is only 99.8% Your numbers are just not even CLOSE to being right. Maybe if you have the right numbers in your mind, you will decide to get the vaccine. Not understanding math could possibly make it seem much safer to remain unvaccinated, especially if the number of those dying is really 16 times what you apparently believe.