Covid Vaccinations


Extra Large Package
What’s the plan if white people keep having 1 kid per couple….

Good question and I have a simple answer. Give payments for having more kids. You have 2 kids, you get $12K payment from the government. Three kids and it's $20K cash back. Fours kids and you don't have to pay any income tax and you get $35K cash back. Problem solved.

I'm sure you think we can't afford to do that, but we can't afford NOT to do that. If you think about all the billions we spend taking care of illegal aliens in our country, we can easily afford it. Boot out the illegals and take that money you were using to house, feed, and educate them and put it towards an incentive program for American citizens to have more kids. I guess I should add you have to be working a job in order to get that money payment.


Well-Known Member
Good question and I have a simple answer. Give payments for having more kids. You have 2 kids, you get $12K payment from the government. Three kids and it's $20K cash back. Fours kids and you don't have to pay any income tax and you get $35K cash back. Problem solved.

I'm sure you think we can't afford to do that, but we can't afford NOT to do that. If you think about all the billions we spend taking care of illegal aliens in our country, we can easily afford it. Boot out the illegals and take that money you were using to house, feed, and educate them and put it towards an incentive program for American citizens to have more kids. I guess I should add you have to be working a job in order to get that money payment.
so thats a one time payment or until age 18??


Extra Large Package
so thats a one time payment or until age 18??

Good question. I would say until 18. Or even till 21. I mean we have health insurance until kids are what? 26? We don't need to necessarily cut it off right at 18. Some other countries pay their citizens to have kids, so we can too as an incentive.


Well-Known Member
Good question. I would say until 18. Or even till 21. I mean we have health insurance until kids are what? 26? We don't need to necessarily cut it off right at 18. Some other countries pay their citizens to have kids, so we can too as an incentive.
So you get paid to have children’s…I know who likes to have lots of “Children’s”. Back to the drawing board for you


Well-Known Member
Flip side of that coin would be penalizing anyone for having an abortion. Wouldn't be in the best interest of the U.S. to support abortion.


Inordinately Right

Sweden's Public Health Agency on Wednesday recommended a temporary halt to the use of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine among young adults, citing concerns over rare side effects to the heart. It said the pause should initially be in force until December 1, explaining that it had received evidence of an increased risk of side effects such as inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) and inflammation of the pericardium (pericarditis).

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The native Americans at the time did claim ALL of the land settled by the European immigrants. You probably don't remember that a $24 payment was made in New York, and that the immigrants in the PLymouth colony was literally living on land owned by the native people thare, and those natives saved the lives of those immmigrants.The native nations may not have been written down on paper maps, but the people knew which land belonged to which tribe, and just because there were open places, unoccupied, it was still immigration. If all the immigrants crossing the southern border, or flying in and overstaying their visas decided to live in the uninhabited areas of the country, they would still be immigrants even if they lived where no one else was living. Or if they simply killed off all the townspeople and claimed the town, they would still be immigrants. Whther they conquered the locals, or simply moved to where no one was living didn't make the first Europeans any less
immigrants' as you apparently believe. If no one owned Manhattan, why did Europeans need to pay for it?????
You mean like when one street gang "sells" territory to another street gang?


nowhere special
The native Americans at the time did claim ALL of the land settled by the European immigrants. You probably don't remember that a $24 payment was made in New York, and that the immigrants in the PLymouth colony was literally living on land owned by the native people thare, and those natives saved the lives of those immmigrants.The native nations may not have been written down on paper maps, but the people knew which land belonged to which tribe, and just because there were open places, unoccupied, it was still immigration. If all the immigrants crossing the southern border, or flying in and overstaying their visas decided to live in the uninhabited areas of the country, they would still be immigrants even if they lived where no one else was living. Or if they simply killed off all the townspeople and claimed the town, they would still be immigrants. Whther they conquered the locals, or simply moved to where no one was living didn't make the first Europeans any less
immigrants' as you apparently believe. If no one owned Manhattan, why did Europeans need to pay for it?????
That $24 was one of the biggest swindles in history. The Indians that sold the land didn't live there and were just passing through and pulled a scam.


Well-Known Member

Sweden's Public Health Agency on Wednesday recommended a temporary halt to the use of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine among young adults, citing concerns over rare side effects to the heart. It said the pause should initially be in force until December 1, explaining that it had received evidence of an increased risk of side effects such as inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) and inflammation of the pericardium (pericarditis).
Yes when u do such a good job at lowering case counts to 40 per 100000 you can be extra careful on possible minor side effects.


Inordinately Right