We know what’s in your NUMBSKULL
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The government takes your tax dollars to pay for a big pharma product and then shields those pharma corporations from any liability if you are damaged by their product.
The government then takes away everyone's basic liberties and freedoms until you take that pharmaceutical product which happens to have the worst publically verifiable safety record of any pharma product in modern history.
All for a disease that kills someone who is an average of 80 years old, with 95% of them having an average of 4 co-morbidities, 70% of them clinically defined as overweight or obese, and with this entire premise based on a pcr test set at up to 90% false positives.
And, you may have to take that pharmaceutical product that is inflaming people's hearts every six months for the rest of your live.
And, no guarantees that the government ever gives you your freedoms back even if you take that pharmaceutical product.
And, your government may have even funded the creation of the virus.
Am I missing anything